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什么是主谓一致的语法(更深的主谓一致的规则)3 如果主语由多个用连词and连接的名词组成,则把主语当作复数,并使用动词的复数形式。Does anyone know where the train station is? She likes reading before bed. 2 同样,在包含do的问题中,只有do需要与主语匹配。Do you know where the train station is?




1 在现在时中使用否定形式时,只有动词需要与主语匹配.

She does not like reading before bed.

She likes reading before bed.

2 同样,在包含do的问题中,只有do需要与主语匹配。

Do you know where the train station is?

Does anyone know where the train station is?

3 如果主语由多个用连词and连接的名词组成,则把主语当作复数,并使用动词的复数形式。

Lucas and Maxine are in love!

Only Lucas is in love.


This bed and breakfast is delightful!

4 如果主语由多个用or连接的单数名词组成,则把主语当作单数。.

Penne or rigatoni works fine for the recipe.


Cats or dogs make good friends.

If there’s a combination of singular and plural nouns joined by or the verb follows the number of the final one listed.


The teacher or the students have to inform the principal.

The students or the teacher has to inform the principal.

5 如果有一个以上的主动动词,就像复合谓语一样,所有的动词都必须与主语一致。

After work I go shopping pick up the kids cook dinner and then relax for the night.

6 物质名词,也被称为“不可数名词”或“不可数名词”,充当单数主语。

Love makes the world go around.

7 集合名词可以是单数也可以是复数,这取决于它们是一起作用还是单独作用。

[Together singular] The team goes to practice at 4:00.

[Separately plural] The team go to their own homes after practice.

8 以可选形式使用的动词,如动名词、不定式或分词,不需要遵循主谓一致。但主动词要变化。

The coach makes running mandatory.

The coaches make running mandatory.

9 除非你在使用同位语或其他描述性短语,否则不要在主语和动词之间加逗号。

The holiday is becoming a total disaster.

The holiday which I was looking forward to is becoming a total disaster.

10 当单词each和every用作主语时,即使后面跟了多个名词,它们也算单数。

Each window and door needs to be sealed.

Every doctor nurse and technician gets free training here.

11 同样,这些词总是充当单数主语,即使它们描述的事物不止一件:

  • anybody
  • anyone
  • either
  • everybody
  • everyone
  • neither
  • no one
  • nobody
  • somebody
  • someone

Everybody loves using correct grammar!

Either blue or green works for the wallpaper color.

12 如果附加短语出现在主语和动词之间,动词仍然必须与主语一致。这些句子可能很棘手,所以要小心。

A group consisting of Professor Lidenbrock the Icelandic guide Hans Bjelke and the professor’s nephew Axel departs for the volcano.


One of the world’s leading scientists still has trouble speaking in public.



They pay the electric bill online.

The electric bill is paid by them online.

14 当在“there is”之间做选择时……和“有……”,动词的数量应与其后面名词的数量一致。对于以“这里”开头的句子也是一样的。

There is a new map in the DLC.

There are new maps in the DLC.

15 Similarly words that indicate a portion including percentages use the number of the noun they describe. This noun is typically the object of the phrase “of . . . ”


All of the book is ruined!

All of the books are ruined!

Some of the film is funny.

Some of the films are funny.

Fifty percent of the house is made of wood.

Fifty percent of the houses are made of wood.

16 当指距离、时间或金钱时——作为一个整体——使用动词的单数形式。

Twenty dollars is too much for IMAX!

17 小心那些只以复数形式存在的名词;它们有时表现是单数。

The news has been depressing lately.

Politics is getting too combative.


The scissors do not work.


The pair of scissors does not work.
