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最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的

最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的美国的阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州禁止竖广告牌2. Billboards Are Banned In Alaska Maine Vermont And HawaiiIn the Code of Ordinance of the city Mobile in Alabama there is a section talking about the use of confetti: “It shall be unlawful and an offense against the city for any person to have in possession keep store use manufacture sell offer for sale give away or handle any non-biodegradable plastic-base


最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的(1)


1. It's Illegal To Toss Non-Biodegradable Plastic Confetti In Mobile Alabama


In the Code of Ordinance of the city Mobile in Alabama there is a section talking about the use of confetti: “It shall be unlawful and an offense against the city for any person to have in possession keep store use manufacture sell offer for sale give away or handle any non-biodegradable plastic-based confetti.”


最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的(2)


2. Billboards Are Banned In Alaska Maine Vermont And Hawaii


There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards: Alaska Maine Vermont and Hawaii where the ban was introduced the earliest. Businesspeople understand that this actually benefit them because billboards ruin the landscape; without them these states maintain their scenic beauty and attract more people to visit.


最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的(3)


3. Wearing High Heels Is Prohibited At Some Historical Sites In Greece


In 2009 the director of Greek prehistoric and classical antiquities Eleni Korka said: "Female visitors must wear shoes that do not wound the monuments. These monuments have a skin that suffers and people must realize that." Stilettos can punch holes as the whole body's pressure is on them so to minimize the wear on the monuments the ban was introduced.


最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的(4)


4. In Capri You Must Clean Up After Your Dog; If Not They Will Trace It With DNA


In the small island on the south side of the Gulf of Naples Capri there is a local law that dog owners must clean up after their dogs if they poop on the street. Unfortunately not everyone is obeying the law and to enforce it Mayor Lembo thought he could take advantage of another existing law requiring all dogs to have blood tests for canine leishmaniasis and just have the DNA matched. If a person is busted for leaving a mess on the streets they will be fined €2 000.


最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的(5)


5. By Law You Have To Walk Your Dog Three Times A Day In Turin Italy


In Turin dog owners must walk their dogs three times a day. This rule was introduced in 2006 a year after Rome issued a decree saying that dog owners must walk their dogs at least once a day. This is a way of fighting cruelty against animals. The fines can go up to $600.


最全的法律常识:这些法律听上去很夸张 但都是真的(6)


6. It's Illegal To Disrupt A Wedding In Australia


In South Australia if you purposefully disturb a wedding a funeral or any religious service you can be fined $10 000 or be imprisoned for 2 years. In the Summary Offences Act 1953 it is stated "A person who intentionally obstructs or disturbs a religious service or a wedding or funeral [...] is guilty of an offence."




