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英语询问情况怎样表达(如何用简单英语询问信息)Thank you so much for reading my post. If you like it please feel free to follow me give me a thumbs-up leave comments below and share with your friends. Much appreciated[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]点击“英语中常用的pro prof demo是哪些词的缩写形式?"可以了解更多常用词的缩写式。17. I wonder if someone could tell me...?Use this phrase on the telephone18. I'm calling to find out…

标题中的info是information的缩写形式 (short form),在非正式场合常常使用。

我今天总结一些简单的日常工作或生活中使用的询问信息的表达方式和朋友们分享。Thank you!

18 Ways for Asking for Information
  1. Can you tell me...?
  2. Could you please tell me...?
  3. Could you find out...?
  4. Could you give me some ideas of...?
  5. I'd like to know...
  6. I was wondering if you could tell me/explain…
  7. I was wondering...
  8. I was looking for ...
  9. Could you give some idea of ...
  10. Do you know...?
  11. Do you happen to know...?
  12. Would you happen to know...?
  13. Do you have any idea...?
  14. Have you got any idea of...?
  15. I don't suppose you (would) know...


Use the following two ways when asking a group of people

16. Could anyone tell me...?

17. I wonder if someone could tell me...?

Use this phrase on the telephone

18. I'm calling to find out…

点击“英语中常用的pro prof demo是哪些词的缩写形式?"可以了解更多常用词的缩写式。

Thank you so much for reading my post. If you like it please feel free to follow me give me a thumbs-up leave comments below and share with your friends. Much appreciated[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]
