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人教版八年级上册英语10单元重点(人教版八年级上册英语第11单元知识点精讲)clean the living room 清扫客厅fold one’s clothes叠衣服sweep the floor 清扫地板take out the trash 倒垃圾make one’s bed 铺床


Unit11 could you please clean your room?


Could you please… 你能……吗?/请你干…….好吗?

do the dishes 洗餐具

sweep the floor 清扫地板

take out the trash 倒垃圾

make one’s bed 铺床

fold one’s clothes叠衣服

clean the living room 清扫客厅

stay out late 晚归

his father’s reason 他父亲的理由

get a ride搭车

use one’s computer 使用某人的电脑

hate sth./to do sth. 讨厌某事/做某事

do some cooking 做饭

do the laundry=do somewashing

=wash clothes洗衣服

wash the car 刷车

work on 从事,忙于

work at 学习、致力于、在……上下工夫 come over 过来

borrow some money 借一些钱

invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事

go to the store 去商店

agree sb. to do sth. 同意某人做某事

agree with sb.

=agree with whatone says 同意某人的意见

borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物(借入)

lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物(借出)

ask for 要求得到、要求见到

take care of=look after 照顾、照看、照料

take good care of

=lookafter…well 照顾得好、好好照顾

need some help 需要一些帮助

get angry 生气

have a test 考试

make a clean sweep of 彻底扫除


1、 make

本单元中出现了make the bed的短语,make the bed=make one’s bed意为“整理”。

We should make the bed by ourselves. 我们应该自己整理床铺。


含有make 的短语小结:

make a mistake/mistakes 弄错;犯错误 make a telephone 打电话

make a living 谋生;维持生活

make a face/faces 做鬼脸

make a noise/noises 嘈杂;制造噪音

make sure 查明;确信

make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友

make fun of 取笑

make sb. angry 使某人生气

make a meal 做饭

make a deal 作成交易

make a fool of 捉弄,使出洋相

make a name for himself 成名

make a note of 注意,记下来

make free with 擅自使用

make it 成功,到达某处

make…into 把…作成,使变成

make one’s way to 前往某处

make room 腾出地方

make up 编造

make use of 利用

2、 clothes


He has many clothes. 他有许多衣服。

本单元中fold your clothes意为“叠衣服”。



I need a lot of cloth if I’m going to make a new dress.如果我要做新衣服的话,需要很多衣料。


We need warm clothing for the winter. 我们需要暖和的衣服过冬。

3、 clean


They cleaned up after the picnic. 野餐后,他们打扫干净了。

Don’t forget to clean the blackboard. 不要忘记擦黑板。


(1) clean作动词,指弄干净、清洁。

clean the classroom 打扫教室


clean water 洁净的水

(2) clear作动词,指整理,收拾掉不要的东西。

clear the table after dinner 饭后清理桌面


clear water of the lake 清澈见底的湖水

4、 work on

work on意为“从事,忙于(某工作),相当于be busywith”。on是介词,后面接名词或代词作宾语。

My father is working on a new novel. 我爸爸在写一部新小说。


(1)work on 还有“继续工作”之意,此时on是副词,其后不接宾语。

We worked on till mid-night. 我们一直工作到半夜。

(2)work at意为“学习,写作,在…方面下工夫”。

He is working hard at maths. 他正在数学方面下工夫。

(3)work out意为“制订,解答出(难题),想出(办法)”。

The maths problem is very difficult can you work it out?


5、 borrow


May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗?

You can borrow the book from the library. 你可以从图书馆借这本书。



(1)borrow是“借进”,即说话人向别人借东西供自己用,常用于borrow sth. from sb. / swh.结构,意为“从某人/某地借来某物”。

He borrowed a lot of money from the bank. 他从银行借了很多钱。

(2)lend是“借出”,即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用,常用于lend sth. to sb. 或lend sb. sth.结构中,意为“借给某人某物”。

I don’t like to lend my TV set to Tom. 我不想把电视机借给Tom。

(3)keep意为“保存,保留”,可引申为“借用”,用于表示借用的时间长度,可以和表示时间段的时间状语及how long等连用。

— Can I borrow this book?


— Yes but you mustn’t lend it to others.


— How long may I keep this book?


— Two weeks. 两周。

(4)use 意为“使用”,引申为“借用”,有时可同borrow互换。

May I use/borrow your pen?


注意:(1)lend可接双宾语,即lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb.但borrow没有这一结构。


6、 feed


She is feeding her baby. 她在喂孩子。

He feeds fish to the cat. 他喂鱼给他的猫吃。


1)feed…on/with sth. 用某物喂养

feed sth. to sb.=feed sb.sth. 把某物喂给…

She fed her baby on/with milk. 她用牛奶喂她的宝宝。

Hill fed some fish to the cat. Hill把一些鱼喂给猫。

Most bats feed on insects. 大多数蝙蝠以昆虫为食。


Cattle feed on grass. 牛以草为食。

3)feed on与live on的辨析:

feed on和live on都有“以…为食”的意思。但feed on用于动物,live on可用于动物也可用于人,并且live on后可接食物或生活来源。

Horses feed on grass. 马以草为食。

He lives on teaching. 他靠教书为生。

He lives on his parents. 他依靠父母生活。

7、 take out

take out意为“取出;除掉”,是动词take加副词out构成的动词短语。take out若与名词连用,则名词可放在out之前,亦可放在out之后;若为代词,则此代词必须放在out之前。

He took out a bad tooth in hospital. 他到医院去拔掉一颗坏牙。



take away 拿走,带走

take back 收回,带回

take down 拆卸;记下

take in 接收,吸收

take off 脱下,起飞

take over 接管,接任

take up 拿起,占领

8、 do the laundry

do the laundry意为“洗衣服”,laundry在此是不可数名词,意为“要洗的衣服”;laundry作可数名词时,意为“洗衣店”。

Could you please send the clothes to the laundry?你把这些衣服送到洗衣店行吗?

There’s too much laundry this weekend.




do和make 均有“做”的意思。do表示做一个动作或一项工作,即干什么活;make意为“做,制作”,经过努力而做成某一新东西,强调做的具体的东西。


1)do the v.-ing

do the reading 阅读

do the shopping 购物

do the cleaning 打扫卫生

do the cooking 做饭

2)do some v.-ing

do some writing 做书法练习

do some cleaning 扫除

do some sweeping 扫地

do some singing 唱歌

3)do the 名词

do the beds 整理床铺

do the dishes 洗盘子

do the room 整理房间

do the flowers 插花

4)do one’s 名词

do one’s hair 梳头发

do one’s lessons 做功课


make a noise 发出噪音

make paper 造纸

make a meal 做饭

make dumplings 包饺子

make sb. angry 使某人生气

make a fire 生火

make faces 做鬼脸

make tea 沏茶

make a mistake 犯错误

make a war 开战

make friends withsb. 与某人交朋友


1、 Could you…?

could 用于提出礼貌的要求。句型:Could you do..? / Could youplease do…?意为“请你…行吗?”或“麻烦你…好吗?”

Li Lei could you please help me?


— Could you close the window?


— I’m afraid not. 恐怕不行。

— Could you come to my birthday party?


— Certainly. 当然了。



句型:Could I do…?意为“让我…好吗?”或“我可以…吗?”

Could I come in? 我可以进来吗?

Could I use your bike? 我可以用用你的自行车吗?


1)对这样的句式作答时,与其他的一般疑问句不同,作肯定回答通常用certainly、sure、of course。




Would you like to do sth? 你愿意做某事吗?

Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗?

Let’s do… 让我们做…

Shall I/we do sth.? 我/我们可以做某事吗?

Please do sth. 请做某事。

2、 …take care of…

take care of意为“照顾,照料,照看”,与look after同义。但take care of比较口语化,侧重于负有责任之意。其宾语可是表示人或物的名词或代词。

We take care of him during his illness. 他生病期间,我们照顾了他。

Take care of my car while I am away. 我外出期间请保管一下我的车。


(1)take care意为“当心,小心”,相当于look out或be careful。

Take care the road is slippery. 小心路滑。

(2)take good care of= look after…well


He took good care of his dog. 他好好照顾他的狗。

3、 …come over…

come over意为“顺便拜访,过来”,其近义词组为drop by/in。

You should come over sometime and have dinner with us.

你应该找个时间过来 跟我们一起吃顿饭。



come about 发生 come for 来接(取)

come down 下来 come back 回来

come in 进来 come off 离开

come on 过来;进展 come out 出来;出版

come along 来吧,走吧 come from 来自

come by 从旁边走过;得到 come up (指植物)长出地面

come up with 找出或提出(答案或办法)

4、 ….go on…

go on sth. 意为“要去做…,进行…”。

We’ll go on a picnic. 我们要进行一次野餐。


(1)go on 意为“持续,继续”。

We can’t go on like this. 我们不能老是这样子。

(2)go on doing sth.意为“不停地干某事”。

You can’t go on working without a break. 你不能不停地工作而不休息。

(3)go on with sth. 意为“(停顿之后)继续进行某活动”。

If you don’t finish painting the room today you can go on with ittomorrow.


(4)go on to do sth.意为“完成一件事后,接着做另一件事”。

After finishing his homework Li Lei went on to help his parents with thehousework. 做完作业之后,李雷接着帮父母干家务活。

5、 invite sb. to do sth.

invite sb. to do sth. 意为“邀请某人做某事”。

Are you going to invite Jason to play chess tomorrow?



(1)invite sb. to some place表示“邀请某人去某地或参加某种活动”。

I want to invite my friends to the Great Wall. 我想邀请我的朋友去长城。


Thank you for your invitation. 谢谢你的邀请。

6、I agree.

这句话表示对某人的观点表示同意。在这儿是I think so.的意思。当表示对某人的观点不同意时可能说I disagree.即I don’t agree.

—That music isquite good. 那音乐太好了。

—I agree. 我同意。



That’s just what I think. 我就是那样认为的。

I couldn’t agree more. 我非常赞成。

So do I. 我也那么认为。

I feel the same way. 我有同样的想法。

That’s a good point. 这个想法不错。
