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篮球杜兰特是哪个队的(超全的NBA篮球英语)勇士队疯狂的享受着夺冠后的喜悦,而另一边的骑士球迷没有责备自己的球队,而是选择在这时候支持自己的球员,这才是真球迷,这就是NBA的魅力所在。The warriors crazy enjoy the joy of winning but on the other side of the Cavs fans they did not blame their team and chose to support their own players at this tough time "Fans got your back this is the true fans!" This is the charm of NBA.Back in the Bay:回到湾区 Game5勇士队标语NBA的魅力

But the finals presented a one-sided situation the warriors first got 3-0 basically let thisseries become no suspense. The Cavs refused to be swept defended the land and took one in home but back in the Bay. The Warriors ended the series.


  • No suspense:毫无悬念

  • Defend the Land :捍卫球队 Game5骑士队标语

  • Back in the Bay:回到湾区 Game5勇士队标语



The warriors crazy enjoy the joy of winning but on the other side of the Cavs fans they did not blame their team and chose to support their own players at this tough time "Fans got your back this is the true fans!" This is the charm of NBA.




As one of the die-hard fans of DubNation Daniel Wu went to the Oracle Center to support his hometown team. Almost each guys dream of having the chance to witness the most phenomenal players on this planet like King James KD and Splash Bros .

吴彦祖作为勇士死忠,第五场还亲临了现场支持自己的家乡球队,每个球迷都梦想自己能有机会亲临现场观看LBJ 水花兄弟 KD这类现象级球员。

  • DubNation :勇士球迷(dub”是美国俚语对首字母“w”的代称,W发言“dub-bel-yoo”,此W代指Warriors,美国当地湾区球迷自称为DubNation.

  • Phenomenal players:杰出的球员

  • Die-hard fan:死忠球迷(Daniel Wu 吴彦祖从小在湾区长大是金州勇士队死忠)

  • Splash Bros:水花兄弟(指库里和汤普森)缘由这两位大兄弟三分十分精准,篮球入网犹如一阵阵浪花一般。



King James pour out all that he could do. Although he got triple-double in G5 It doesn't change the outcome of the team losing. He shows his grace and congrats to KD that’s the brotherhood and this is why they play.

詹姆斯倾其所有 尽管在最后一场拿下三双 也无法改变球队输球的结局,但他还是展现了运动家精神&兄弟情谊 体现了NBA的主旨和教育意义,值得尊敬。

  • Triple-double:三双

  • Brotherhood:兄弟情谊

  • This is why we play:这是我们打球的原因 2017 NBA slogan



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