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亏欠的情缘国语歌曲(歌曲分享内疚是)我曾知道 你有多重要我曾知道 你的好今天呢,小编想给大家推荐一首歌,一首温柔的男人唱的歌、一首Eason的歌——内疚《内疚》 //陈奕迅




/ 写在前面的话 /





我曾知道 你的好

我曾知道 你有多重要

我曾经知道不睡觉 对我身体不好


我常自暴 不环保

是为你好 始终改不掉

宝宝的哭声听不到 我的音响太吵


才下了眉头 却攻上我心头

蚕食而尽 掏空左右

每当我回头 内疚是刽子手


天亮了 给我找个借口

来麻醉我伤口 血流了却未渗透

是时候放手 但又不接受 我一无所有

无理取闹 你垂头

对我傻笑 "爱是一场感冒!"

难道是我太骄傲 不信你说他多好

才把你气走 自招

才下了眉头 却攻上我心头

蚕食而尽 掏空左右

每当我回头 内疚是刽子手


天亮了 给我找个借口

来麻醉这伤口 血流了却未渗透

是时候接受 我一无所有

是我让你走 别回头

是无法接受 我一无所有






记得《婚前试爱》里有一句话,“你爱她,就要先伤害她,因为内疚,永远是维系爱情的最好方法。” 其实不然,在生活中,人们难准确把握适度的内疚的尺度。



Today Xiaobian would like to recommend a song to you a song sung by a gentle man and a song by Eason - guilt.

I knew you were good

I knew how important you were

I used to know that not sleeping was bad for my health

You are my sleeping pill

I often abuse myself and do not protect the environment

It's for your own good. I can't change it

I can't hear the baby crying. My stereo is too noisy

You can't care if you leave

Just under the brow but attack my heart

Eat away and empty the left and right

Whenever I look back guilt is the executioner

Destroy everything in my memory

It's morning. Give me an excuse

To anesthetize my wound. It's bleeding but it's not penetrating

It's time to let go and not accept that I have nothing

You hang your head when making trouble without reason

Smirk at me "love is a cold! "

Am I too proud to believe how good he is

I'll take you out of my way

Just under the brow but attack my heart

Eat away and empty the left and right

Whenever I look back guilt is the executioner

Cut off all my memories

It's morning. Give me an excuse

To anesthetize the wound but it's still bleeding

It's time to accept that I have nothing

I told you to go. Don't look back

I can't accept that I have nothing

I finally know guilt

"Guilt" is about a man who hurt his family because he didn't care about his family. After the family left him he felt guilty. Eason Chan acted as a soloist in the form of "double faced man" when shooting MV. In one scene he was asked to act on the camera in a sombre way with long hair on the half side singing by the candle and beating himself on the head with a glass bottle just to photograph the feeling of being driven mad by guilt.

The lyrics are straightforward and simple but with the doctor's voice is it too late to say don't go just eyebrows but it's on my mind again. It's full of worries. From the main song to all kinds of details of life to the chorus there are few such pure emotional songs.

I remember a sentence in "premarital love test" that "if you love her you should hurt her first because guilt is always the best way to maintain love." In fact it is not in life it is difficult to accurately grasp the appropriate scale of guilt.

Just good and bad are often out of balance in the judgment of inertia. Different growth backgrounds and different life histories determine different patterns of intimacy. Therefore for some people their guilt may not help maintain marriage but hurt others and themselves.

The best relationships as Hagrid says are generous open-minded and balanced. Love does not need to take advantage of waves and imbalances to get fresh a good relationship does not have to choose either side full of guilt.


声明:本文由LearningYard 学苑原创,仅代表作者个人观点。


