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Introduction to Romanticism



Romanticism was to some extent a reaction against the Enlightenment and against the 18th-century rationalism and materialism in general. Romantic's emphasis was the individual and the subjective viewpoint. They delighted in irrational, imaginative personal natural emotional visionary and transcendental elements of experience. In those ways Romanticism was obviously quite different from Classicism and other traditional way of writing. What was most typical of Romanticism and what reflected the above characteristics was a deepened appreciation of the beauties of nature. Additionally a general exaltation of emotion over reason or a valuing of the senses over intellect was common. As well Romanticism preferred to turn in to the self to examine human personality and to value heroic qualities. Romantics showed particular concern for the exceptional human charity in general and focused on historical inner struggles. The Romantic style of expression was for that time offering a new conception of the artist as a supremely individual creator whose creative spirit was more important than strict adherence to formal rules and traditional procedures. By emphasizing the imagination as a gateway to transcendental experience and spiritual truth Romantic writers and artists became more preoccupied with folk culture national and ethnic cultural origins and the medieval era. They were fascinated by such subjects as the remote the mysterious the weird the occult the monstrous the diseased and even the satanic qualities.
