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写给猴的一封信,我给你写了个故事The Stone and the SeedWithout further ado(不知道Anki是什么鬼?在公众号后台回复“Anki”关键词就知道!)希望你喜欢我给你写的小故事记得在评论里写你对这个故事的想法喔!



你可以先听一遍,看看能不能抓住到故事的“main point”






Without further ado

The Stone and the Seed

by 王霸胆


Once upon a time in a grassy meadowfar far away there was a small stone no bigger than a raindrop. This stone had lived in the meadow for many years so long in fact that it had forgotten how old it was.


All it knew was that with every year during the rainy season the rain batteredit and its edges became smoother and its size became smaller. The stone often complained to the other stones in the meadow about the rain. If it weren’t for the rain life would be fabulous! The stones all agreed in stony silence that the rain was the source of all their problems.


One day while the stone was busy thinking about how to stop the rain it heard a small thudbeside it. It looked over to see a tiny pebble sitting next to it eyes wide open. Before the stone could say anything the tiny pebble exclaimed “Wow that was incredible!”


The stone bewilderedat the tiny pebble’s excitement asked it “Little pebble what was so incredible?”


The pebble replied “Hey Mr. Stone I’m not a pebble. I’m a seed! I was sitting at home eating my breakfast with my dad when suddenly a giant gust of wind picked me up and blew me over here!”


The stone’s eyes widened in horror. “That sounds terrible!” it said.


“Terrible? Are you kidding me? It was incredible! I’ve never had more fun in my whole life ” said the seed. “Hey Mr. Stone can I ask you a question? Where am I now?”

“吓人?你在说啥?这简直酷毙了!我长这么大从来没那么开心过。” 小种子说道。“嘿,石头先生,我可以问你个问题吗?我现在是在哪呀?”

The stone replied in a hush voice “You are in the Meadow. It’s very quiet here so keep it down.”


The seed couldn’t help but grin. “Wow sounds fantastic ” it said.

小种子忍不住咧嘴笑了,“哇喔,挺起来挺棒的。” 它说。

“It is ” replied the stone. “Except for one thing.”

“除了…” 石头答道,“一样东西。”

“What’s that?” asked the seed.

“什么?” 种子问道。

“If it weren’t for that blasted rain life here would be perfect ” said the stone.

“如果没有这些阵雨,这里的生活就太完美啦。” 石头说。

“What’s wrong with the rain?” asked the seed.

“有雨怎么啦?” 小种子问。

The stone told the seed a story. When it was a young stone how big and sharp it used to be but over time as the years passed how it got battered by the rain and became smaller and smoother.


“That will be your fate too small pebble ” said the stone.

“你的命运也会是这样,小卵石。” 小石头说道。

“No way! I already told you I’m not a pebble. I’m a seed!”


The stone rolled its eyes. “What’s the difference? The rain doesn’t care what you are.”


“That’s not true ” said the seed. The seed reached into its pocket and pulled out a photo album. Inside the album were pictures of his father when he was just a small seed and pictures of him as a grown up tree as high as the sky.

“才不是呢。” 种子说。小种子从口袋里掏出一本相册。相册里有他的爸爸还是颗小种子的时候,还有他长成大树的时候,那可是和天一样高。

The stone was flabbergasted. “How could such a small pebble grow up into such a huge tree? That’s impossible!”


“My dad also told me about the rain ” said the seed. “But he didn’t talk about it like you did. He told me that the rain was helpful that I should try to find a place where there’s lots of rain. If I did then I would grow big and strong like him.”

“我爸也跟我说了大雨的事。” 种子说。 “但是他才不是像你说的那样。他告诉我,雨水非常好,所以我要找到一个有许多雨的地方。如果我找到了,那么我就会长得像他一样粗壮啦!”

“That’s nonsense ” said the stone and it left to return to the other stones.

“这不可能的。” 小石头说,它说完就转身离开去找其他石头们了。

The seasons came and went. The seed planted itself in the ground a couple feet away from the stone. Every year during the rainy season as the stone was being battered by the rain and wind it could hear the happy celebration of the seed next door as the rain nurtured it.


A decade later the stone just a tiny pebble now and barely able to see made a journey to see the seed. But when it arrived where the seed used to be it couldn’t find it. Instead it found an enormous bundle of roots actively sucking up water from the ground.


“Where did these roots come from?” exclaimed the stone. “I don’t remember them.”

“这树根从哪来的呢?” 石头叫道。“我都不记得这里有它们呢。”

Suddenly the roots began to speak. “It’s been a long time Mr. Stone. You don’t remember me? I arrived here ten years ago after a journey through the wind.”


“Little pebble?” asked the stone in awe.

“小卵石吗?” 石头小心翼翼、敬畏地问道。

“I told you I’m not a pebble. I’m a seed. And now I’m all grown up ” said the tree.

“我说过啦,我不是小卵石。我是颗种子,现在我长大啦。” 大树说。

“I don’t know what a seed is ” said the stone. “You looked like a pebble to me.”

“我都不知道什么是种子。” 石头说。 “你看起来就像个小卵石。”

“How I look on the outside is not important ” said the tree. “It’s how I deal with the rain that really matters. For you the rain is evil and brings only misery. But for me the rain is the secret to life.”

“我原来看起来像什么不重要。” 大树说, “而是看我是怎么面对大雨的。对你来说,雨是坏人,只给你带来痛苦。而对于我,雨才是生命的奥秘。”

The stone sat in silence for a moment and almost seemed to grasp an understanding of what the tree meant. But in the end its imagination simply couldn’t comprehend the concept. However as it turned to leave it suddenly had a brilliant idea!


“Mr. Pebble er Tree ” it said. “Do you think I could ask a favor of you?”

“卵石先…额,大树先生。” 它说。“我可以求你帮个忙吗?”

“What’s that?” asked the tree.

“你说呀。” 树问到。

“Do you think I could move here to live underneath you? Your long branchescan protect me from the rain.”


The tree agreed and the stone stayed there for the rest of its days.




n. 草地、牧场

Ross likes to prance around naked in grassy meadows.


to batter /ˈbætər/

v. 猛击

The East Coast was battered heavily by Hurricane Katrina.



n. 砰地一声

Ross got hit by a truck and hit the ground with a thud.


bewildered/ˌbɪˈwɪldərd /

adj. 困惑的

A homeless man gave me a bewildered look when I offered him $50.


flabbergasted /ˈflæbərˌgæstɪd /

v. 使大吃一惊

I was flabbergasted when I realized how high America's national debt is. (More than 19 trillion dollars!!!)


branches /ˈbrænʧəz/

n. 树枝,分支

The US government has three branches: executive judicial and legislative.





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