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fpx为何会引入khan,老外热议FPX晋级决赛Kanavi从英雄到狗熊Kanavi went from hero to zero 第一局的FPX:快叫救护车!第二,三,四局的FPX:但不是给我的![-]firechicken188




FPX Game 1: Call an ambulance!

FPX Games 2 3 4: but not for me lul




Kanavi went from hero to zero



Last game was lwx meatshield lol



Lissandra and Thresh CCed people so atleast they were CC bots



True. Yagao played well early game to make up for shit Syndra but it still was a mistake to pick Leblanc so early... FPX picked then Lissandra Trundle and Hecarim so there was no one he could assassinate.



the game before that too.



Game 3 too. Welcome back to adc meta in competitve



That was a LPL game if I've ever seen one



I wouldn't judge JDG too much based on this BO5. They had to play through 5 gruelling games over ten hours straight till 2am probably went to sleep later than that then had to get up early for this semifinals game. They put up a good fight all things considered.

Meanwhile FPX had a whole day to rest and prepare. There's no doubt they benefitted from this format. That said although JDG's record looked good into FPX going in it's hard to say if JDG would have beaten FPX with the Khan finally integrating upgrading top lane. But I honestly believe they suffered from the format and could have put up a better fight if given one more day to rest/prepare.




GenG vs TES might be even more LPL than this.



FPX are so much better with Khan glad to see him doing well.



Tian outperformed and schooled Kanavi today. Kanavi has been missing entire tournament except the 2 nidalee games.

Kanavi in the end choking because he's a Griffin player at heart.




Loken broke his back in that last game



Zoom played super well...

won the lane (including solokill) vs ignite hecarim and was key some fights specially one around blue which he killed fed aphelios ...



He had EZreal an inherently safe champion that wont die and also clean up a fight if the opportunity arises (as happened 1-2 times). Idk how this translates to him breaking his back.

LWX was better throughout the whole series




you mean zoom ?



Loken didn’t do that well tbh his damage should’ve been greater and he was missing a lot of Q’s even with the boomer build



Man khan showed up big today. All of fpx played so damn well.



This was the FPX we were all hoping for in the playoffs but Khan didn't seem to be able to gel.



Where are those Khan haters now?



Man FPX with khan look like an entirely different beast. Khan going even with zoom for the entire series (except for ornn game) and having a lot of impact in these teamfights shows that FPX with a strong top side doesn't have many weaknesses to exploit from other teams as compared to before with gimgoon. Really impressed and am thinking that they might be able to repeat their worlds title!



Khan seems to have really tried to mesh with his team. The only reason why he looked so off whenever they played him in the beginning of Spring is because he always try hero plays alone and clearly not coordinated with his team.

He also didnt do what Gimgoon was good at was help LWX carry and peel for his team in team fights. I often see him in backline and doesn't zone or initiate. Like his Renekton game. That's not what Gimgoon does for FPX. Gimgoon knows his role to help his team because he trusts his team. Khan just needed to trust his team.

In this tournament Khan showed he was willing to sacrifice himself and initiate for his team and was willing to play tanks. It seems there's an improvement which is great for FPX.

Khan is an upgrade over Gimgoon but he kind of needed to change his playstyle. It's no longer LZ or SKT where teams bend to his playstyle.




