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上报数据错误说明怎么写(明显错误规则及其相关内容)在Rosales-Mireles诉美国一案中,美国最高法院推翻了第五巡回法院的一项裁决,认为审判法院犯下的明显量刑错误在大多数情况下都应得到纠正,即使被告没有对错误提出异议。在这种情况下,法院驳回了第五巡回法院对明显错误规则的解释。In Rosales-Mireles v. United States the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a decision by the Fifth Circuit holding that a clear sentencing error made by the trial court should be corrected in most situations even when the defendant did not object to the mistake. In so holding the Court

明显错误规则 plain error rule


The principle that an appeals court can reverse a judgment and order a new trial because of a serious mistake in the proceedings even though no objection was made at the time the mistake occurred. The issuance of inconsistent instructions to a jury that would result in a miscarriage of justice for example can furnish the basis for a new trial even though no timely and proper objection to the instructions was made. Although a person is entitled to a fair trial he or she is not entitled to a flawless one; the individual does not have the right to a new trial merely because a HARMLESS ERROR has been committed. 具体例句如下,可供参考:



Plain error is error that is plainly evident from the record and affects a litigant's substantial right(s). Although an appellate court generally only reviews errors brought to its attention by the litigants it has the discretion to correct plain errors that were not addressed or forfeited when not doing so would affect the integrity and reputation of the courts. However this power is permissive and not mandatory. Plain errors are often the issue in Criminal procedure. Under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 52 "a plain error that affects substantial rights may be considered even though it was not brought to the court's attention." The purpose of the plain error rule is not only to protect the defendant from serious injustices but to also protect the reputation of the courts and ensure that their decisions follow a fair procedure.



In Rosales-Mireles v. United States the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a decision by the Fifth Circuit holding that a clear sentencing error made by the trial court should be corrected in most situations even when the defendant did not object to the mistake. In so holding the Court rejected the Fifth Circuit's interpretation of the plain error rule.



The plain error rule's four-part standard requires a court to find the following: The error was not intentionally relinquished or abandoned. The error was clear and obvious i.e. “plain error.” There is a reasonable probability that but for the error the outcome of the proceeding would have been different. The error seriously affected the fairness integrity or public reputation of judicial proceedings.



As a final note the two dissenting justices did not seem to have a problem with the Fifth Circuit changing the plain error rule's legal standard. However the lack of credibility of the dissenting opinion was demonstrated by the fact that the dissenters had to resort to graphic descriptions of Rosales-Mireles’ other violent crimes rather than the crime at issue in the case.



