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十四五规划高频词解析,规划和2035年远景目标重要概念汉英对照2. 智慧能源Smart energyDevelop autonomous driving and cooperative vehicle-infrastructure system (CVIS) transportation services. Promote smart highway management traffic signal linkage and bus priority control and build smart railways smart civil aviation smart ports digital routes and smart parking lots.1. 智能交通Smart transportation发展自动驾驶和车路协同的出行服务。推广公路智能管理、交通信号联动、公交优先通行控制建设智能铁路、智慧民航、智慧港口、数字航道、智慧





Digital application scenarios

1. 智能交通

Smart transportation


Develop autonomous driving and cooperative vehicle-infrastructure system (CVIS) transportation services. Promote smart highway management traffic signal linkage and bus priority control and build smart railways smart civil aviation smart ports digital routes and smart parking lots.

2. 智慧能源Smart energy

推动煤矿、油气田、电厂等智能化升级。开展用能信息广泛采集、能效在线分析。实现源网荷储互动、多能协同互补、用能需求智能调控。Facilitate the smart upgrade of coal mines oil and gas fields and power plants. Carry out extensive collection of energy consumption information and online analysis of energy efficiency. Enable interaction of load and storage between source and network the coordination and complementarity of multiple energy sources and the smart regulation of energy demand.

3. 智能制造Smart manufacturing

促进设备联网、生产环节数字化连接和供应链协同响应,推进生产数据贯通化、制造柔性化、产品个性化、管理智能化。Facilitate networking of equipment digital connection of production links and collaborative response of supply chain and boost the integration of production data flexible manufacturing personalized products and smart management.

4. 智慧农业及水利Smart agriculture and water conservancy


Promote the accurate sowing fertilization and harvest of field crops as well as smart applications in protected horticulture livestock and poultry breeding and aquaculture. Build a smart water conservancy system. Increase the capacity for hydrological forecasting and smart scheduling in drainage basin terms.

5. 智慧教育Smart education

推动社会化高质量在线课程资源纳入公共教学体系,推进优质教育资源在线辐射农村和边远地区薄弱学校,发展场景式、体验式学习和智能化教育管理评价。Incorporate high-quality private online curriculum resources into the public teaching system extend the online coverage of high-quality education resources to low-performing schools in rural and remote areas and develop scenario-based experiential learning and smart educational management and evaluation.

6. 智慧医疗Smart medical care

完善电子健康档案和病历、电子处方等数据库。加快医疗卫生机构数据共享推广远程医疗,推进医学影像辅助判读、临床辅助诊断等应用。运用大数据提升对医疗机构和医疗行为的监管能力。Improve electronic health records medical records prescriptions and other databases. Accelerate data sharing in healthcare institutions and promote telemedicine as well as the application of auxiliary medical image interpretation and auxiliary clinical diagnosis. Use big data to improve supervision over medical institutions and medical behavior.

7. 智慧文旅Smart cultural and tourism services


Promote the development of online digital products for scenic spots and museums build monitoring facilities and big data platforms for scenic spots and develop new cultural and tourism services such as immersive experience virtual exhibition hall and high-definition live broadcast.

8. 智慧社区Smart communities


Promote the connection of government service platforms community sensor-enabled facilities and home terminals develop community services such as smart early warning emergency rescue and smart elderly care and establish unmanned distribution systems.

9. 智慧家居Smart home


Develop sensor voice control remote control and other technology-based smart home appliances smart lighting smart security monitoring smart speakers new wearable devices and service robots.

10. 智慧政务Smart government services


Promote one-stop government services as well as the application of e-licenses e-contracts e-seals e-invoices and e-archives and improve the government service evaluation system.


Projects for developing modern agriculture and rural areas

1. 高标准农田

High-quality farmland


Newly build 18.33 million hectares of high-quality farmland including 4 million hectares of high efficiency water-saving irrigation areas. Adopt conservation tilling techniques on 9.3 million hectares of chernozem soils in northeast China.

2. 现代种业 Modern seed industry

建设国家农作物种质资源长期库、种质资源中期库圃,提升海南、甘肃、四川等国家级育制种基地水平。建设黑龙江大豆等区域性育制种基地。新建、改扩建国家畜禽和水产品种质资源库、保种场(区)、基因库,推进国家级畜禽核心育种场建设。Build long-term and medium-term national crop germplasm resource banks and improve the national seed production bases in Hainan Gansu and Sichuan. Build regional seed production bases such as those for soybeans in Heilongjiang. Build renovate and expand the national livestock and aquatic products’ germplasm resource banks seed preservation farms (areas) and gene banks and promote the development of national livestock and core poultry breeding farms.

3. 农业机械化Agricultural mechanization

创建300个农作物生产全程机械化示范县,建设300个设施农业和规模养殖全程机械化示范县,推进农机深松整地和丘陵山区农田宜机化改造。Create 300 demonstration counties for full mechanization of crop production build 300 demonstration counties for full mechanization of protected agriculture and large-scale breeding promote subsoiling and land preparation by agricultural machinery and make the farmland in hilly and mountainous areas more suitable for mechanized farming.

4. 动物防疫和农作物病虫害防治Animal epidemic prevention and crop pest control


Improve the facilities of national reference laboratories for animal diseases and regional centers of etiology monitoring. Redevelop special facilities for animal epidemic prevention in pastoral areas and cold storage facilities for animal vaccines at community level and build designated channels for animal epidemic prevention and harmless treatment sites for dead animals. Build monitoring centers for crop diseases and insect pests centers for prevention and control of emergency diseases and insect pests and pesticide risk monitoring centers at different levels as well as forest and grass pest control centers.

5. 农业面源污染治理Control over pollution from non-point agricultural sources

在长江、黄河等重点流域环境敏感区建设200个农业面源污染结合治理示范县。继续推进畜禽养殖粪污资源化利用,在水产养殖主产区推进养殖尾水治理。Build 200 demonstration counties for integrated management of pollution from non-point agricultural sources in environmentally sensitive areas along the Yangtze River the Yellow River and other key river basins. Continue to promote the recovery of resources from livestock manure and the treatment of aquaculture tailwater in the main aquaculture production areas.

6. 农产品冷链物流设施Cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural products

建设30个全国性和70个区域性农产品骨干冷链物流基地。提升田头市场仓储保鲜设施。改造畜禽定点屠宰加工厂冷链储藏和运输设施。Build 30 national and 70 regional backbone cold chain logistics bases for agricultural products. Upgrade the storage and preservation facilities of markets in the edge fields. Transform cold chain storage and transportation facilities of livestock and poultry slaughtering and processing plants.

7. 乡村基础设施Rural infrastructure


Adjust measures to local conditions to provide natural villages with access to paved roads. Boost village connectivity and village road construction promote the development of rural water source protection and water supply projects upgrade rural power grids rural broadband network and strengthen operation management and maintenance.

8. 农村人居环境整治提升Improvement of rural living environment


Steadily advance the rural toilet revolution in economically underdeveloped areas and high-altitude cold and water-deficient areas. Support 600 counties in their effort to improve the living environment. Develop rural household waste and sewage treatment facilities.

