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高一英语必修三第一单元重点词组,高一英语必修一5, care about 关心He is fond of English他喜欢英语3, graduate from 从。。。毕业He graduated from Beijing University 他毕业于北京大学4, be fond of 喜欢


1, ever since 自从

He started to study English hard two years ago and has been the top student ever since 他在两年前开始努力学习英语从那以后他就是班里的顶尖学生

2, persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人去做某事

I persuade you not to smoke 我劝说你不去吸烟

3, graduate from 从。。。毕业

He graduated from Beijing University 他毕业于北京大学

4, be fond of 喜欢

He is fond of English他喜欢英语

5, care about 关心

His parents care about him so much 他的父母非常关心他。

6, change one's mind 改变主意

I never change my mind 我从来不会改变我的主意

7, make up one's mind to do sth 决定去做某事

I made up my mind to study English well 我决定把我的英语学好

8, give in 屈服

I never give in 我从不屈服

9, as usual 照常

I wear my uniform as usual 我照常穿我的制服

10, be determined to do 决定去做某事

He is determined to study English well 我决定学好英语
