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如果你特别惧怕犯错和失败:就像不能停止生活你必须要时刻有觉知到你在做什么,去感受一切。当你在做这个体式的时候肩、肘和所有的关节在做着什么?这才是瑜伽的学习。继续吧!- Ajay Kumar"You have to be aware of what you are doing feel everything. What does your elbow shoulder and all joints do when you make this movement? This is yoga. Go!" - AJAY KUMAR –对于Sthalam8的创始人迈索尔的阿斯汤加老师Ajay Kumar的采访



Interview with Ajay Kumar

Owner of Sthalam8

and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher in Mysore



Ajay Kumar的采访


"You have to be aware of what you are doing feel everything. What does your elbow shoulder and all joints do when you make this movement? This is yoga. Go!" - AJAY KUMAR –

你必须要时刻有觉知到你在做什么,去感受一切。当你在做这个体式的时候肩、肘和所有的关节在做着什么?这才是瑜伽的学习。继续吧!- Ajay Kumar


Ajay practicing asanas at age 14

Ajay Kumar is a very popular ashtanga yoga teacher near the Lakshmipuram area in Mysore India. He started his yoga practice at the age of ten under the guidance of his teacher BNS Iyengar a direct disciple of Krishnamacharya who is known as "the father of modern yoga".

Ajay Kumar是印度迈索尔Lakshmipuram area(地区)非常受欢迎的阿斯汤加老师。他从十岁开始就跟着他的上师BNS 艾扬格学习瑜伽(现代瑜伽之父克里希那玛查亚的直系弟子之一)


Since that young age Ajay decided to dedicate his life to the practice of ashtanga yoga. Today he is very busy teaching yoga at Sthalam8 Yoga Shala in Mysore training future yoga teachers giving workshops around the world and doing a masters in Advaita Vedanta at the Sanskrit University in Mysore. He has a wife and a baby girl almost one-year-old.

从那么小的年纪开始,Ajay就下定决心将自己的一生时间倾力付出到阿斯汤加瑜伽的练习之中。如今他主要忙于自己瑜伽学校的教学;培训未来的瑜伽老师;也在世界各地的工作坊;同时他还在迈索尔梵文大学进修Advaita Vedanta(一个梵文学派的分支,类似国内国学的研究)。他有一个妻子,两个孩子。

The first time that I joined his class I was immediately thrilled by his teaching style. He is very dynamic and continuously gives all his energy to help his students achieve their fullest potential. He likes to keep the discipline in his class but although he is very strict and demanding he knows how to make his students laugh.



Ajay is also really good at making you stop and think why you are doing what you are doing. From time to time while giving you an adjustment or while leading either his popular vinyasa class or back bending class he would say a few words that would strike your mind and make you wonder "What am I doing wrong? What do I need to improve?" or perhaps "aha now I get it!"

Ajay老师也非常善于让你停下并开始思考反思之前的习惯性动作是否正确。经过一些时间的学习,在他给予矫正、或是受广大学生喜爱的Vinyasa和后弯课的过程中,他能够仅仅用数个简短的词击中你的内心深处,并让你自己开始反思,“我是否做错了? 我还需要在哪方面提高?”亦或是“啊哈,我突然懂了,原来如此!”

To preserve Ajay's style of English to which his students are so familiar with I have transcribed the interview using his exact words except for some minor corrections to make sure that the message is understood.



What does yoga mean to you?


Yoga means everything to me all life is yoga. This is our main thing without that we can't live. So this is our whole life we started very young and until now we are doing it and it's just an amazing feeling. Yoga means everything first is yoga then other things.


How did you get into yoga?

我的叔叔和婶婶还有几乎全部亲戚都在练习瑜伽。通过观察他们,我渐渐入门,告诉自己,好吧,我要开始瑜伽的旅途了。更重要的是,自从我是个小孩我就有一种深深的渴望,就像想要吃gulab jamun(一种印度传统糖果),这种渴望指引着我,去追求一些身体运动层面的追求,但那时我还不知道具体是什么。


My uncle and aunt and all these people were practicing yoga and by seeing them I got little you know ok I need to do yoga. More than that since when I was a kid I had a craving like when you crave to eat "gulab jamun" (traditional Indian sweet) I had a craving that I wanted to do something you know something physically but I didn't know what to do.

So I used to go to a gymnasium. My grandpa was scolding me "why do you go to gymnasium is that good? Why don't you do yoga?" and you know that's when I got to ask myself "ok yoga where did they do?" and it was at BNS Iyengar Shala at the Parakala Mutt near Jaganmohan Palace which was very close to my home.





Why did you decide to teach yoga and particularly ashtanga yoga?


Actually starting after that only when I was twelve years old only I decided. Before that as usual all other kids we used to say "What do you wanna be? Doctor? Engineer?" we use to say like this you know when we were seven eight nine and ten years but after that when I started to practice yoga that's when only I started to say "no I wanna be a very good teacher.”


Gulab Jamun by Aditya CC BY-NC-SA


How would you describe your teaching style?


We just want everyone to be doing yoga not the asana as you know we always explain in every class that we don't want people coming and doing the asana we want people to be doing the yoga it takes a lot but that's the best. That's our whole deal actually that's why we do all the things very strictly and properly and how it needs to be done and this is the way this is the way. We just want people to be doing yoga more than anything that's all.



Who are your spiritual heroes or role models?

所有的伟大的瑜伽士们,我们能做的就是跟随上师们的步伐。BNS艾扬格,帕塔比·乔伊斯,BKS 艾扬格,克里希那玛查亚。这并不仅仅关乎一个人,而是像一棵大树有很多分支但树根只有一个。我们来自于上师们的世传而我们能做的仅仅就是跟随他们的足迹。

All the greatest yoga people we just follow the steps of the guru. BNS Iyengar Shri K. Pattabhi Jois BKS Iyengar Krishnamacharya. It doesn't matter guru parampara (the whole lineage) and not only one person. It's a tree's branches. A tree is one but branches many so many branches are there. So we come from the guru parampara of that and we follow their footsteps only.



What is the biggest lesson that you've learned through your own yoga practice?



The biggest lesson that I learned from my yoga practice is not to leave my practice because even though you leave your practice it's just impossible to leave yourself.

And that's what we implement in our teaching as well we just wanna make sure everyone comes every day we do that every day so you feel good and they feel good that's the thing. The one thing we learn is not to miss the practice any of the days we have to do every day.



What is the biggest lesson that you've learned through your guru?



Grace. We received grace through the guru and that's what we try to transmit here not by using words but through energy. That's what I learned from my guru. Even if he didn't speak to me I understood cause we were communicating at an energy level.

That's the same way that we teach in our shala. But for that you need time time to establish the connection between the student and the teacher. That's why we don't allow drop-in classes here the minimum time that we require is one week. We need to know the student and the student needs to know the teacher so we can establish the connection.


Ajay at age 12 with his guru BNS Iyengar

(Ajay12岁和上师BNS 艾扬格)


What is the main lesson that you want your students to take away from practicing ashtanga yoga with you?


Like I mentioned before we want people to do yoga and not just asanas. That's why we try to do everything proper here. If you want to do just asanas you can go anywhere but if you want to do yoga then you come here. It takes a long time and it's difficult but that's the best. That's why we try to keep the discipline here. There is a reason behind everything that we do here you might not understand it but we do.


I love this interview with Ajay Kumar my amazing teacher.

Reading this interview my mind went immediatly to the very first time I met him.

I exactly know why I decided to study with him and how much I feel blessed to met him in my journey.

I will share with all my friends and students

thanks for your article!!


我非常喜欢这段Ajay Kumar的采访,他是一位很棒的老师。读后我的思绪又立刻回到了第一次我跟随他练习的场景。我清楚地知道为何我下定决心跟随他同时我非常感恩在我的瑜伽旅途中能够遇到他。




I have the opportunity to join Ajay Kumar's workshop in Jakarta in the weekend my teacher Nilesh Tiwari is one of Ajay student in Mysore. I find Ajay's method of teaching is very inspiring honest strict but with a bit of humor and I see how my own teacher Nilesh get his teaching style from. I really enjoyed learning from him and I respect them both. now reading this article after I met him made me miss hearing his voice guidance and encouragement :) thank you. Namaste






