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一定有一些事情你能做到英语口语(我们会与)(2) When we say the man is struggling in water we can also say he is trapped in water.(1) If you say you rescue someone you can also say you saved them you cone to the aid of them you freed them.二、同样的内容,我把Key words“扣掉”,你就“不会”了:A 69-year-old fisherman __________ a young man drowning in a river. A video shows the young man ______(1)_____ in water while the fisherman upon hearing someone calling fo

我们“会”与“不会”的英语如何训练:fisherman rescued a young man


A 69-year-old fisherman rescued a young man drowning in a river in Xinyang City central China's Henan Province. An amateur video shows the young man struggling in water while the fisherman upon hearing someone calling for help rowed fast his catamaran-type boat towards the victim and helped him grasp the boat side. After the boat neared the shore a woman pulled the pole from the fisherman to draw the boat and the young man was saved.

然而这样的“读懂”没有意义,你的英语没有任何“进步”(在以后的“汉译英”,“选词填空”和英语“作文”中(if any at all))你就深有体会了。


二、同样的内容,我把Key words“扣掉”,你就“不会”了:

A 69-year-old fisherman __________ a young man drowning in a river. A video shows the young man ______(1)_____ in water while the fisherman upon hearing someone calling for help rowed fast his boat towards the ___(2)_____ and helped him grasp the boat side. After the boat neared the shore a woman pulled the pole from the fisherman to draw the boat and the young man was ____(3)______.


(1) If you say you rescue someone you can also say you saved them you cone to the aid of them you freed them.

(2) When we say the man is struggling in water we can also say he is trapped in water.

(3) When we say the young man was saved we can also say he is rescued.


I paraphrase it:“应试教育”式的英语学习你“还行”,真正训练自己(英语)语言能力的英语“你不行”。

