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成长英语双语版,英语悦读Simplicity简单文章选自《用英语点亮人生》/ 胡敏主编



Clutter is the disease of American writing. We are a society strangling in unnecessary words circular constructions pompous frills and meaningless jargon. 美国人写东西有个毛病,那就是凌乱。我们生活在一个令人深感窒息的社会里,因为到处充斥着废话、拐弯抹角的表达、虚夸的装饰和毫无意义的胡言乱语。

Who can understand the clotted language of everyday American commerce: the memo thecorporation report the business letter the notice from the bank explaining its latest “simplified”statement? What member of an insurance or medical plan can decipher thebrochure explaining his costs and benefits? What father or mother can put together a child’s toy from the instructions on the box? Our national tendency is to inflate and thereby sound important. The airline pilot who announces that he is presently anticipating experiencing considerable precipitation wouldn’t think of saying it may rain. The sentence is too simple—there must be something wrong with it.



文章选自《用英语点亮人生》/ 胡敏主编
