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亲子日常英语坐车:过马路用到的亲子英文B: Red means stop green means go and yellow means the light is about to turn red.妈妈: 红色代表什么呢?B: mommy it's red.宝贝: 妈妈是红色。M: Red means....what?


How to cross the street

M: Sweetie we are going to cross the street. Remember always stop at the curb before we enter into a crosswalk and wait for the green light. Look at the traffic light what color is it?

妈妈: 宝贝,我们即将过马路,记住过马路的时候要在马路牙子上等绿灯。看看交通信号灯,现在是什么颜色?

B: mommy it's red.

宝贝: 妈妈是红色。

M: Red means....what?

妈妈: 红色代表什么呢?

B: Red means stop green means go and yellow means the light is about to turn red.


M: Good boy look the light is going to turn green let's countdown together 10 9 .....1. It's green. Even if the light is green before we cross the street Remember to look both sides to make sure that there's no cars coming. Hold my hand let's cross the street at the crossroad.


It is very dangerous to run cross the street jigwalk and run the red light always obey the traffic rules.



