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gre词汇详细解析,GRE词汇Day5:■考点: vt.驱逐: to exclude from a group■拆: ostrac(瓦片) ize(v后缀) -> 投瓦片 古希腊的陶片放逐法 -> 指放逐/排斥■同: authority autocrat monarch ruler sovereign■反: figurehead (有名无权的)傀儡ostracize 英 [ˈɒstrəsaɪz] 美 [ˈɑːstrəsaɪz] vt. 放逐;排斥;按贝壳流放法放逐


potentate 英 [ˈpəʊtnteɪt] 美 [ˈpoʊtnteɪt] n. 统治者,君主;有权势的人

: pot(power) ent ate(v/n后缀) -> 引申为有权力的人 -> 君主

■考点: n.有权的人: one who has the power and position to rule over others

e.g. a son of a potentate 官二代

: authority autocrat monarch ruler sovereign

: figurehead (有名无权的)傀儡

ostracize 英 [ˈɒstrəsaɪz] 美 [ˈɑːstrəsaɪz] vt. 放逐;排斥;按贝壳流放法放逐

: ostrac(瓦片) ize(v后缀) -> 投瓦片 古希腊的陶片放逐法 -> 指放逐/排斥

■考点: vt.驱逐: to exclude from a group

e.g. He was ostracized from the scientific community for many years because of his radical political beliefs.他因激进的政治理想被驱逐出了科学界很多年。

: banish bounce chase dismiss expel extrude oust boot out cast out run off drum out kick out throw out turf out

: take in include embrace welcome 接纳

scrap 英 [skræp] 美 [skræp] n. 碎片;残余物;打架;少量 vt. 废弃;使解体;拆毁 adj. 废弃的;零碎的 vi. 吵架

: scrap(scrip-:write ) -> 原始含义 刻 削,磨 后引申为碎片; 残留物

■考点1: n.废料,废物: discarded or useless material

■e.g. The rest of this stuff is just scrap so sweep it up and throw it away.剩下的这堆东西都是、没用的,把它们打扫一下就扔了吧。

: chaff debris dreck dross dust effluvium junk litter offal offscouring raffle refuse riffraff rubbish waste

■考点2: vt.抛弃: to get rid of as useless or unwanted

■e.g. We've decided to scrap the first car.我们决定丢弃第一辆车。

: ditch dump jettison junk toss throw away

: retrieve 找回

■考点3: v.终止,放弃原计划: to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)

e.g. We scrapped our plans to go to Paris and set out the next day for Prague. 我们取消了去巴黎的计划,第二天启程奔赴布拉格。

: abandon abort drop recall repeal rescind revoke call off cry off

: continue keep 继续,持续

gaffe 英 [ɡæf] 美 [ɡæf] n. 失态;过失

: 原义为钩子 词源同gaff,词源不明,可能来自拟声词 鸭子的叫声,表示拙劣的讲话 后引申为 失态

■考点1: n.(社交上)失礼,失态: a social or diplomatic blunder

e.g. A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth.——Michael Kinsley所谓出丑,就是政治家说真话的时候(迈克•金斯利)

: impropriety indecorum indiscretion

: decency decorum propriety 举止得体

■考点2: n.明显的错误,错误判断: a blatant mistake or misjudgment

e.g. so-called debates which were mainly about seeing which candidate made the most gaffes 所谓的辩论,其实主要就是看哪个选手犯了最多的错误

■同: blunder lapse misstep oversight

needy 英 [ˈniːdi] 美 [ˈniːdi] adj. 贫困的;贫穷的;生活艰苦的

■考点: adj.贫困的: being in need; impoverished poor

e.g. As a child she was extremely needy and had no self-confidence.她是一个非常贫穷的小孩,因此缺乏自信

: destitute impecunious impoverished indigent penurious poor threadbare

: affluent opulent wealthy 富有的
