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985大学硕士论文:双非研究生读文献在决策过程中,人们有时难以用单一的属性(指标)来表达对评价对象的评价,这时需要根据一些相互联系、相互依存的评价指标来对有限个评价对象进行综合排序和择优,因此Chen等[3]提出了多属性决策,它是是模糊决策的重要组成部分[4]。由于多属性决策方法既能够处理定性信息和定量信息,又能够处理精确信息和模糊信息[5],因而在军事、社会、经济等多个领域广泛应用,如某高校在选择录取研究生时,面对多个符合要求的学生,通常会在考虑他们的笔试成绩、复试成绩、学习态度以及学习能力等因素的情况下,做出综合评价来确定最终的录取名单。Decision-making is the process of people using scientific methods and means to make choices or adjustments in order to achieve the set goals i.



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Today I bring you "Analysis of Research Background of Doctoral Dissertation" with the dissertation "Research on Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Language Set and Its Application" as an example.


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Decision-making is the process of people using scientific methods and means to make choices or adjustments in order to achieve the set goals i.e. the process of selecting and choosing the best of some evaluation objects [1]. Decision-making activities exist in all aspects of people's production life from the formulation of national policies and systems the direction of economic and cultural development down to the evaluation of enterprise investment projects site selection of units supplier selection as well as personal shopping choices and travel plans. However in the decision-making process due to the complexity of the decision problem sometimes some difficult to quantify attribute indicators are involved and it is difficult for decision makers to give a precise real number to portray their evaluation. Therefore fuzzy decision theory came into being and its core idea is to use more precise mathematical methods to deal with fuzzy things that cannot be described by real numbers [2].


In the decision-making process it is sometimes difficult for people to express the evaluation of evaluation objects with a single attribute (indicator) and then it is necessary to comprehensively rank and select a limited number of evaluation objects based on some interrelated and interdependent evaluation indicators so Chen et al [3] proposed multi-attribute decision making which is is an important part of fuzzy decision making [4]. Since the multi-attribute decision making method is capable of handling both qualitative and quantitative information as well as precise and fuzzy information [5] it is widely used in many fields such as military social and economic etc. For example when a university selects a graduate student for admission facing several students who meet the requirements it usually makes a comprehensive The final admissions list is determined by a comprehensive evaluation taking into account their performance in the written test the review test their study attitude and their academic ability.

在模糊多属性决策问题中,如何对不确定性信息进行表达和刻画是一个重点的研究内容,Zadeh [6]于1965年将模糊集引入决策领域,把模糊性和数学结合在一起,推动了决策理论的发展。然而,在实际的决策过程中,由于决策环境的复杂性、信息本身的不确定性以及人们的主观认识,导致决策者给出的决策结果通常不是精确数值,而是语言值的形式,比如评价企业收益时的“高”、“低”,评价汽车性能时的“好”、“坏”等。因此,Zadeh [7]-[9]于1975年提出了模糊语言法,即在决策过程中使用语言变量代替精确的数字来表达评价信息。语言描述更加符合人们的思维方式,贴合实际情况,灵活地诠释了人们表达决策观点时的犹豫性和模糊性[10]。因此,对基于模糊语言环境下的多属性决策方法进行研究,引起了人们的高度关注。

In fuzzy multi-attribute decision problems how to express and portray uncertain information is a key research content and Zadeh [6] introduced fuzzy sets into the field of decision making in 1965 combining fuzziness and mathematics together and promoting the development of decision theory. However in the actual decision-making process due to the complexity of the decision-making environment the uncertainty of the information itself and people's subjective perceptions the decision results given by decision makers are usually not precise values but in the form of linguistic values such as "high" and "low" when evaluating enterprise earnings and "low" when evaluating automobile performance. " "good" and "bad" when evaluating the performance of a car etc. Therefore Zadeh [7]-[9] proposed the fuzzy linguistic method in 1975 which uses linguistic variables instead of precise numbers to express evaluation information in the decision-making process. Linguistic descriptions are more in line with people's way of thinking fit the actual situation and flexibly interpret the hesitancy and fuzziness of people in expressing their views on decision making [10]. Therefore the study of multi-attribute decision making methods based on fuzzy linguistic environment has attracted a lot of attention.



The research background of this paper is to introduce why this research is carried out. This paper is about the research of decision-making methods so its background is mainly around decision-making psychology and behavior and fuzzy data types of multi-attribute decision-making.


In addition the writing of the research background is the conclusion drawn after a detailed investigation analysis and analysis of the whole research situation which is not only conducive to ensuring the quality of the paper but also conducive to letting readers fully understand what the research topic is and whether it is worth continuing to study.





[1]刘原园. 基于模糊语言集的多属性决策及其应用研究[D].湖南科技大学 2019.
