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2022杭州英语中考试卷:2022年浙江杭州市中考英语模拟试题听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第一节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)3. 考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)


杭州市2022年初中学业水平考试适应性 模拟考试英语试题‍


1. 本试卷共四部分,共七大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 请务必在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。

3. 考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。





( )1.What’s the weather like tomorrow?

A.Cloudy. B.Sunny. C.Windy.



W:It’s sunny today isn’t it?

M:Yes but it will be cloudy tomorrow.

( )2.What does the girl think of the book?

A.It is expensive. B.It is heavy. C.It is interesting.



W:The book is about a group of people who are stuck on an island together.

M:It sounds cool. Is it any good?

W:Yeah I can’t put it down.

( )3.How will the man help the woman?

A.By carrying the bag.

B.By looking for the key.

C.By opening the door.



W:I am looking for the key to the door. Could you please carry the bag for me?

M:OK. No problem.

( )4.What is the woman looking for?

A.A bookstore. B.A cinema. C.A tea house.



W:Excuse me is there a tea house near here?

M:Yes there is. It’s on the right side of the book shop.

( )5.What is the Chinese girl good at?

A.Playing basketball. B.Playing volleyball. C.Playing football.



W:What do you think of the girl from China?

M:I think he is one of the best volleyball players in the world.




( )6.What was the weather like last night?

A.Showery. B.Stormy. C.Snowy.

( )7.What was Bob doing when all the lights went off?

A.He was having a trip.

B.He was watching TV.

C.He was playing chess.

( )8.When will Lisa pick up her parents?

A.This afternoon. B.This evening. C.Tomorrow morning.


6.B 7.C 8.A


M:Lisa did you hear the loud noise of the strong wind last night?

W:Yes. The storm was really terrible. Bob what were you doing at that time?

M:I was playing chess with my father when suddenly all the lights went off. What about you?

W:I was staying at home alone reading books.

M:Where were your parents?

W:Both of them went to Wuyuan for a trip. And I will pick them up at the airport this afternoon.

M:Oh I see.


( )9.What does the man think of watching TV?

A.Too boring. B.Too expensive. C.Too interesting.

( )10.Where do they go shopping?

A.At Starbucks. B.Online. C.In the Red Bridge Mall.

( )11.What do they do at last?

A.Drink coffee. B.Go home. C.Eat cakes.


9.A 10.C 11.A


W:What a fine day!

M:What do you want to do in such a good day?

W:I don’t know. I may watch TV at home.

M:I think it is too boring. How about going shopping?

W:In fact all women like going shopping.

M:I hear that there are lots of good things in the Red Bridge Mall.

W:Really? I want to go there.

M:After going shopping we may have a rest at Starbucks.

W:The coffee is very expensive there.

M:But delicious.


( )12.Where did they sell the toys?

A.Across from a mall. B.Inside a mall. C.In front of a mall.

( )13.How did Ted feel at first when his brother advised him to shout?

A.Excited. B.Relaxed. C.Embarrassed.

( )14.Who asked them to leave on the 7th day?

A.An old man. B.A policeman. C.Their parents.

( )15.How many toys did they sell in total?

A.50. B.60. C.70.


12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B


I'm TED. Last summer my brother and I decided to make some money for our holiday travel. We made a plan we would buy some toys at the market and then sell them on the 1st evening. We came to a mall and sold the toys in front of it. We waited for our 1st customer excitedly. However many people passed by but few would have a look at our toys. My brother advised me to shout out to draw people's attention. Though I felt embarrassed at 1st I shouted with him. At last it worked. Soon we got our 1st customer and sold a toy monkey. At the end of that day we sold five toys in total. On the 7th night a policeman noticed us and warned us to leave. So our business life ended. We sold 60 toys and got about ¥300. The money was far from enough for our travel but we learned that making money was not easy.





Hua Yuchen is a music teacher at Ganghua Elementary school in Wuhan. She has been fighting the virus as the Volunteer for over a month.

“At first I had no idea what kind of work I was going to do ” Hua told China Daily. “But as I was born in Wuhan I knew I must do something for my hometown even though I’m just an ordinary person and cannot save patients as doctors do.”

She does a lot of work. She sends Medical workers to and from work. She takes the temperatures of drivers on the highway. She unloads goods and broadcasts news at a hospital.

Hua said all of the volunteers were working hard. “There’s always someone who arrives earlier than me does more work and leaves later ” Hua said. “We are just humans no one can say they are not afraid. But the volunteers are brave enough to stand up and do what they can.”

“I’m happy and every day I enjoy finding out where I am most wanted.” Hua said. She wants to share her volunteer experience with her students.

( )16.What is Hua Yuchen?

A.A doctor. B.A teacher. C.A worker. D.A farmer.

( )17.Why did Hua Yuchen want to be a volunteer?

A.Because her mother asked her to do so.

B.Because she wanted to travel to Wuhan.

C.Because she wanted to make more money.

D.Because she wanted to do something for her hometown.

( )18.What does Hua Yuchen think of her work as the volunteer?

A.Happy. B.Boring. C.Tiring. D.Terrible.


16.B 17.D 18.A


16.细节理解题。根据“Hua Yuchen is a music teacher at Ganghua Elementary school in Wuhan”可知,她是一名老师,故选B。

17.细节理解题。根据“But as I was born in Wuhan I knew I must do something for my hometown”可知,因为她想为自己家乡做些事情,故选D。

18.细节理解题。根据“I’m happy and every day I enjoy finding out where I am most wanted”可知,她认为志愿者的工作很开心,故选A。


Save lives and help slow the spread of coronavirus(冠状病毒)

Stay home

●You should avoid leaving your house for any non-essential activity.

◎Don’t leave home unless you have to.

◎Don’t invite family or friends into your home.

●Stay at home unless you are:

◎going to work or education(if you are unable to do so at home)

◎shopping for necessary things(return home without delay)

◎going out for personal exercise in the neighbourhood on your own or with one other person

●Medical services supermarkets banks petrol stations post offices and home delivery services remain open.

Stay safe

●Always practise good habits wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water cover your coughs avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth.

●Keep social distance of at least 1.5 metres when outside your home.

●Avoid(避免)body greetings such as handshaking hugs and kisses

●Use online-pay instead of cash.

●Travel at quiet times and avoid crowds.

●Only use trusted official information

Stay connected

●Check in on family and friends by phone or online.

●Volunteer organizations and charities can provide services to people who need them most.

( )19.What does the underline word “non-essential” mean?

A.非常重要的 B.非必需的 C.不寻常的 D.无聊的

( )20.Which place is probably closed?

A.Supermarkets B.Banks C.Clubs. D.Hospitals

( )21.According to this passage what is the right thing to do?

A.Invite some friends to have a party at home. B.Cough in the open air without covering.

C.Do exercise alone at home. D.Shake hands with people outside

( )22.Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from?

A.Health B.Sports. C.Education D.Travel.


19.B 20.C 21.C 22.A


19.词句猜测题。根据“Don’t leave home unless you have to.;Don’t invite family or friends into your home.”可知,此处是你应该避免离开家参加任何不必要的活动。non-essential的意思是“非必要的”,故选B。

20.细节理解题。根据文中“Medical services supermarkets banks petrol stations post offices and home delivery services remain open.”可知,医疗服务、超市、银行、加油站、邮局和送货上门服务仍然开放。俱乐部可能被关闭了。故选C。

21.细节理解题。根据“going out for personal exercise in the neighbourhood on your own or with one other person”可知,通读整篇短文可知,独自在家锻炼。故选C。



On my first round-the-world trip in 2006 I planned everything out before the trip. I knew where I was going staying for how long and how I would get there. And then half-way through I ditched the plan and went with the flow (随大溜). Over the years how I plan my travel has changed. Now I’m a last-minute planner and seldom travel with any plan.

Traveling without a plan gives you great flexibility (灵活性). Since nothing is booked far before the trip you can turn to something different when you change your mind or something better comes along. I changed my plans to meet a friend on an island in Thailand and stayed for a month. I wouldn’t have had that experience if I had kept to my plan.

However most new travelers are the opposite---they over plan their trips. They make plans for every day sometimes even for every hour. Two days here three hours there. I understand why people do that. When time is short you want to see as much as possible. You don’t want to waste a single second.

But in travel less is more. Spending more time in one place allows you to get a better feel for the rhythm (节奏) of life. You can visit more relaxedly see more than just the interesting places and spend your time on the happy accidents of travel.

When I first made my travel plan I tried to include everything in it. Then I realized it was hard to make it come true and changed my plan. I came up with a list of just one or two things I want to see each day. It’s an important lesson to learn. I think the best trip plan is to work out the general path you want to take book the first few nights of your trip and let your travels begin from there. This way you are never locked into a certain place if your feelings change.

( )23.What does the underlined word “ditched” in Paragraph l mean?

A.prepared B.discussed C.gave up D.thought about

( )24.What can we learn about the writer from the text?

A.He lives an easy life. B.He enjoys traveling freely.

C.He spends a lot of time traveling. D.He prefers to follow others when traveling.

( )25.What does the author suggest about traveling?

A.Working out a simple travel plan. B.Getting prepared for the unexpected things.

C.Avoiding booking before the trip. D.Setting a goal before making a travel plan.

( )26.What is the best title for the text?

A.Traveling:A Race Against The Clock B.Why It Is Great to Travel Without a Plan

C.Traveling:Play More Pay Less D.Why I Enjoy Traveling Around


23.C 24.B 25.A 26.B


23.词义猜测题。根据“On my first round-the-world trip in 2006 I planned everything out before the trip.”在2006年我的第一次环球旅行中,我在旅行前就计划好了一切。以及“and went with the flow (随大溜).”可知,此处应该是放弃了自己设计好的计划,因此ditched与gave up“放弃”一致。故选C。

24.细节理解题。根据“Over the years how I plan my travel has changed. Now I’m a last-minute planner and seldom travel with any plan.”可知,作者喜欢自由旅行。故选B。

25.推理判断题。根据“When I first made my travel plan I tried to include everything in it. Then I realized it was hard to make it come true and changed my plan. I came up with a list of just one or two things I want to see each day. It’s an important lesson to learn.”可以推出,作者的建议是制定一个简单的旅行计划。故选A。

26.最佳标题。根据“Traveling without a plan gives you great flexibility (灵活性). Since nothing is booked far before the trip you can turn to something different when you change your mind or something better comes along.”可知,没有计划的旅行给你很大的灵活性。因为在旅行前很久没有预订任何东西,所以当你改变主意或者有更好的东西出现时,你可以转向不同的东西。因此“为什么没有计划的旅行很棒”作为标题符合文意。故选B。


Chinese singer Zhou Shen 27 has become more popular after appearing on the TV show Singer (歌手). He impressed viewers not only with his unusual recording methods-he has performed in his bedroom twice due to the novel coronavirus outbreak-but also with his singing itself.

Zhou performed different styles of singing on the show. He covered a song by popular virtual (虚拟的) singers Luo Tianyi and Yan He as well as sang songs with Suzhou Pingtan and Russian elements (元素).

Singer Gao Xiaosong said Zhou has “come out of the cocoon (茧) and become a butterfly”. It has taken Zhou a long time to do so.

Zhou loved singing when he was a little boy. However his voice didn’t change like other boys during puberty (青春期). It still sounded like a girl’s voice-thin and high. His peers (同龄人) laughed at him and he refused to sing in public. “I sang in my bedroom secretly ” he said.

At 17 he sang online without showing his face. Some people were fascinated (着迷) by it. On one of his birthdays he agreed to show his face. However when they found out that he was male some of them made fun of him. Zhou felt bad about this but later he got the chance to sing the theme song to the movie Big Fish and Begonia (《大鱼海棠》) which turned out to be a big success.

After that Zhou appeared on several TV talent shows. In his own words “it was to give my voice a chance.” He even wore women’s clothes on the show Masked Singer. “It wasn’t hype (炒作) ” he said. “I just want the audience to focus on my singing rather than my gender (性别).”

( )27.Why is Zhoushen becoming so popular after appearing on the TV show Singer?

A.Because he is a boy but has a girlish voice.

B.Because he has a beautiful voice.

C.Because he uses unusual recording methods and sings well.

D.Because he likes singing with different styles.

( )28.What does Singer Gao Xiaosong’s word “come out of the cocoon and become a butterfly” mean?

A.Zhou’s success comes from his long time’s hard work.

B.Zhou will fly higher like a butterfly.

C.Zhou’s success mainly come from his help.

D.Zhou’s singing is beautiful like a beautiful butterfly.

( )29.When did Zhoushen become successful?

A.When he was 17 years old.

B.After he took part in the show Masked Singer.

C.When he took part in the show Singer.

D.After he sang the song Big Fish and Begonia.

( )30.Which is true according to the passage?

A.Zhoushen’s voice changed a lot during puberty.

B.At early ages Zhoushen liked to sing in public.

C.Zhoushen can perform different styles of singing.

D.Zhoushen always liked singing online to attract some people.


27.C 28.A 29.D 30.C


27.细节理解题。根据“He impressed viewers not only with his unusual recording methods–he has performed in his bedroom twice due to the novel coronavirus outbreak–but also with his singing itself.”可知,他给观众留下了深刻的印象,不仅是因为他不同寻常的录音方法——由于新型冠状病毒爆发,他已经在自己的卧室里表演了两次——还因为他的歌声本身。故选C。

28.词意猜测题。这句话是“破茧成蝶”的意思,且根据“It has taken Zhou a long time to do so.”可知,周深经历较长时间,自己的努力终于成功。故选A。

29.细节理解题。根据“but later he got the chance to sing the theme song to the movie Big Fish and Begonia which turned out to be a big success”可知,但后来他有机会演唱电影《大鱼海棠》的主题曲,获得了巨大的成功 。故选D。

30.推理判断题。根据“Zhou performed different styles of singing on the show.”可知,周可以演唱不同风格的歌曲,故选C。



31.________ Living in another country can help you to learn a language and about another culture. Many companies today need employees (雇员 ) who can speak a foreign language or have the experience of living or working in another country.

32.________ Most people want to be happy. But few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves .In other words we make own happiness.

33.________ “No man is an island” is a well-known line from John Donne’s Devotion written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. No one can live a life by himself. Without other people life became empty and sad. We all need friends.

34.________ When he was 18 years old he wanted to go to film school so that he could improve his skills and become an even better director. Unluckily he was unsuccessful in getting a place at this school so he went to a university in California to study English. Even though he couldn’t get into the school he wanted to go to he didn’t let this stop him following his dream to become a great director.

35.________ Which type of food will make a difference if you want to keep fit? If you eat more carbohydrates (碳水化合物) and proteins (蛋白质) your body will be pleased. If you eat too much fat and sweet your muscles (肌肉) will start to break down.



31.C 32.D 33.E 34.A 35.F


31.根据“Many companies today need employees (雇员 ) who can speak a foreign language or have the experience of living or working in another country.”可知说的是招聘广告,结合选项C.“招聘员工的广告。”符合语境,故选C。

32.根据“Happiness depends on ourselves .In other words we make own happiness.”,可知说的是幸福,结合选项D.“幸福富人秘诀。”符合语境,故选D。

33.根据“Even now people still agree with him. No one can live a life by himself. Without other people life became empty and sad.”,可知说的是没有人生活,结合选项E.“没有人可以离开人而生存。”符合语境,故选E。

34.根据“Even though he couldn’t get into the school he wanted to go to he didn’t let this stop him following his dream to become a great director. ”,可知说的是梦想,结合选项A.“如果你想要成功,不能放弃的梦想。”,符合语境,故选A。

35.根据“Which type of food will make a difference if you want to keep fit?”,可知说的是饮食,结合选项F.“注意你的饮食。”符合语境,故选F。




Do you have any special ways of sharing love and kindness? What are some ways in which we can do this each day?

My morning started out as 36 . I snoozed (打盹) twice took 37 of my three cats hurried to complete chores while drinking some coffee and then rushed out of the door for my mid-morning meeting.

After I finished my meeting I was 38 . I stopped at a restaurant to 39 a burrito (墨西哥卷饼) to take home and eat while working.

Since it was a lunch time there was a line. A woman who I soon learned was Marcella was 40 at the register (柜台). She asked the woman behind her in 41 if she would like a drink and then asked me. We 42 said no. She said “I got you.” But she continued to pay for both of our meals — even though we were strangers.

I asked Marcella 43 she did this. And she said that someone once did something 44 for her. The person asked her to pay it forward someday and she was making good things on her 45 .

Before I left she gave me a warm hug and 46 me to do an act of kindness for a stranger when I could. I arrived home but instead of working through lunch I 47 and reflected back on her kindness.

Marcella didn’t need to pay for my lunch. But she did and it cheered me up all day. Not because I got to 48 my $15 but because she was kind — and did not want to receive anything in return.

As I promised her I 49 on paying her kindness forward. Maybe just maybe I’ll make a small difference in someone else’s 50 and the ripple effect (连锁反应) will continue. Because that’s what being human is all about — being kind even to a stranger.

( )36.A.possible B.usual C.opposite D.general

( )37.A.care B.hold C.action D.advantage

( )38.A.sleepy B.down C.tired D.hungry

( )39.A.eat B.notice C.order D.make

( )40.A.standing B.paying C.buying D.looking

( )41.A.line B.total C.fact D.half

( )42.A.all B.also C.either D.both

( )43.A.why B.when C.how D.what

( )44.A.strange B.strict C.similar D.hard

( )45.A.phone B.promise C.side D.secret

( )46.A.refused B.helped C.sent D.told

( )47.A.came B.sat C.took D.went

( )48.A.keep B.hide C.share D.show

( )49.A.turned B.depended C.planned D.called

( )50.A.opinion B.life C.choice D.decision


36.B 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.A 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.D 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.B



possible可能的;usual通常的;opposite对面的;general大体的。根据“My morning started out as...”以及固定短语as usual“和往常一样”可知此处是说我的早晨和往常一样开始了。故选B。


care关心;hold举行;action动作;advantage优点。根据“ took... my three cats hurried to complete chores while drinking some coffee”可知应该是早上起来照顾下三只猫,take care of“照顾”,故选A。


sleepy困的;down向下;tired疲惫的;hungry饿的。根据“ I stopped at a restaurant to...a burrito (墨西哥卷饼)”可知是开完会饿了,故选D。


eat吃;notice注意;order点菜;make制作。根据“ I stopped at a restaurant to...a burrito (墨西哥卷饼) to take home and eat while working.”可知是我点了一个墨西哥卷饼带回去,故选C。


standing站;paying付钱;buying买;looking看。根据“ was...at the register (柜台)”“But she continued to pay for both of our meals”可知她在柜台前付款,故选B。


line队,列;total总计的;fact事实;half一半。根据“She asked the woman behind her in...”可知她是在问排在她后面的女人,in line“排成一列”,故选A。


all都,用于三者或三者以上;also也,用于肯定句;either也,用于否定句句末;both都,用于两者。根据“if she would like a drink and then asked me.”可知她是问了那个女人和我,总共是两人,故选D。


why为什么;when什么时候;how怎么样;what什么。根据“But she continued to pay for both of our meals — even though we were strangers.”可知作者不理解她为什么要为两个陌生人的食物买单,故选A。


strange奇怪的;strict严格的;similar相似的;hard艰辛的。根据“The person asked her to pay it forward someday and she was making good things on her..。”可知是因为她曾经遇到一个人为她做过相似的事情,故选C。


phone电话;promise承诺;side边;secret秘密。根据“The person asked her to pay it forward someday and she was making good things on her...”可知她现在正在提前帮人支付钱,这是之前的承诺,故选B。


refused拒绝;helped帮助;sent发送;told告诉。根据“.. to do an act of kindness for a stranger when I could”可知临走前,她是告诉我在有能力的时候为一个陌生人做一件善事。故选D。


came来;sat坐;took拿走;went走。根据“ but instead of working through lunch I...and reflected back on her kindness.”可知在家里坐下来回想今天那个女人的善行,故选B。


keep保留;hide隐藏;share分享;show展示。根据“Marcella didn’t need to pay for my lunch. But she did and it cheered me up all day”及“Not because I got t...my $15”可知我整天都很开心不是因为我省下了十五美元,而是因为她很善良,不想得到任何回报。故选A。


turned转向;depended依赖;planned计划;called打电话。根据“As I promised her I...on paying her kindness forward”可知作者是打算把她的善意继续传递下去,故选C。


opinion观点;life生活;choice选择;decision决定。根据“Maybe just maybe I’ll make a small difference in someone else’s...and the ripple effect (连锁反应) will continue”可知也许我会给别人的生活带来一点改变,故选B。





The 70-year-old Mr. Green is a rich man. He lives alone in the countryside. His only friend is a parrot. One of his 51.________(hobby)is collecting jewels. He keeps his jewels in different safe boxes 52.________ home.

Green’s memory is a bit poor and he often forgets things 53.________(include)the passwords to his safe boxes. However he has a way 54.________(help)himself remember the passwords. It 55.________(work)well for a long time.

But one day he was 56.________(surprise)after returning home to see that the safe boxes were open. They were empty. His jewels were gone. There was only 57.________ note left behind that said:“Thanks for your jewels. I took all of 58.________(they). You should find a 59.________(safe)way to remember your safe box passwords.”

Do you know 60.________ Mr. Green remembered his passwords? Haha Mr. Green taught his parrot to remember the passwords. The robber got them by talking with the parrot.





54.to help








51.句意:他的爱好之一是收集珠宝。结合题干可知,考查:one of 名词复数,表示“……之一”。故填hobbies。

52.句意:他把珠宝放在家里不同的保险箱里。结合题干可知,考查固定短语at home“在家”。故填at。


54.句意:然而,他有办法帮助自己记住密码。分析句子结构可知,此处需用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to help。


56.句意:但有一天,他回家后惊讶地发现保险箱是开着的。结合题干可知,考查:be surprised to“对……感到吃惊”。故填surprised。




60.句意:你知道格林先生是怎么记住他的密码的吗?根据“Haha Mr. Green taught his parrot to remember the passwords. The robber got them by talking with the parrot.”可知,此处是问记住密码的方式,因此用how来引导宾语从句。故填how。




61.“Excuse me could you tell me how to get to the bus stop? ’’ the boy asked p_______.



62.What an exciting landing! Our plane flew t_____the dark clouds and finally landed safely.


【解析】句意:多么激动人心的着陆!我们的飞机穿过乌云,最后安全着陆。根据“Our plane flew …the dark clouds and finally landed safely”及首字母可知,飞机穿过云层并安全着陆,从云层内部穿过,用through表示“穿过”,故填(t)hrough。

63.Most of them f_________ in the driving test but luckily Mary and Tony passed.


【解析】句意:他们中的大多数人没有通过驾照考试,但是Mary和Tony幸运地通过了。根据“but luckily Mary and Tony passed”可知,本题时态为一般过去时。再结合所给的首字母可知,此处应用failed,表示“没通过驾照考试”。故填(f)ailed。

64.When you’ve a________ the invitation to a party or a dinner it’s polite to bring small gifts with you.


【解析】句意:当你接受了派对或晚宴的邀请时,带上小礼物是礼貌的。由首字母提示和句中“it’s polite to bring small gifts with you.”可知是接受邀请,空格处填“接受”,此句是现在完成时,使用过去分词,accept“接受”,过去分词是accepted。故填(a)ccepted。

65.The British are known for their bad t________ because they have too many sugary foods and drinks.


【解析】句意:众所周知,英国人的牙齿不好,因为他们食用了太多的含糖食物和饮料。根据下文“because they have too many sugary foods and drinks”和首字母提示,可知食用太多的含糖食物和饮料会导致牙齿不好,tooth“牙齿”符合语境;由“their”可知用复数形式,故填(t)eeth。

66.I’m afraid I’m not a________ to help with the show next Friday. I have a test on that day.


【解析】句意:恐怕下周五的演出我没空帮忙。那天我有个考试。设空处作表语,需用形容词;根据下文“I have a test on that day”和首字母提示,可知是说没有空,available“有空的”符合语境,故填(a)vailable。

67.The first flag of Thailand had a white elephant on it. This is a s________ of good luck.


【解析】句意:泰国的第一面国旗上有一只白象。这是好运的象征。a修饰可数名词单数;根据“The first flag of Thailand had a white elephant on it.”可知国旗上的图像一般具有象征意义。故填(s)ymbol。

68.In China it is a tradition to s________ the guests with a whole fish at the end of a meal because the whole fish is a symbol of richness.


【解析】句意:在中国,用餐结束时给客人端上一整条鱼是一种传统,因为整条鱼是丰盛的象征。根据“the guests with a whole fish at the end of a meal”及首字母可知,serve意为“提供;端上”;to后跟动词原形。故填(s)erve。

69.Linda stayed up late and p________ herself for the math exam last night.


【解析】句意:琳达昨晚熬夜为数学考试做准备。根据“Linda stayed up late and...herself for the math exam last night.”以及首字母提示可知,此处指为数学考试做准备,“prepare”表示“准备”,由“stayed up”可知,时态为一般过去时,此处填动词过去式。故填(p)repared。

70.She ran out of the house to see what was h________.


【解析】句意:她跑出房子去看发生了什么事。根据“She ran out of the house to see what was...”以及首字母提示可知,此处指跑出房子看发生了什么事,“happen”表示“发生”,空前有“was”,时态为过去进行时,此处填动词现在分词形式。故填(h)appening。


健康的生活习惯一直是人们关注的话题,针对班上同学的饮食习惯老师准备开展有关健康饮食的重要性的主题班会课。请以Good Living Habits为主题,写一篇发言稿,谈谈如何做到健康饮食以及健康的生活习惯的重要性。









(2)语言通顺 表达清楚,书写规范;









Good Living Habits

Hello everyone let’s talk about living habits. It is important for us to have good living habits. Nowadays many students often stay up late they hardly do sports and they often eat a lot of junk food. I think we should go to bed early and get up early we should eat more healthy food and exercise more. If you want to be healthy you must have healthy life styles. Without good living habits there is no healthy body and mind.

