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8年下英语书课文翻译:英语原版阅读 In the

8年下英语书课文翻译:英语原版阅读 In the我也很喜欢那座建在我湖上的桥。my favorite part 我最喜欢的一部分 my new zoo 我的新动物园8.I also really love the bridge that is built over my lake.这种情况每十分钟发生一次。every ten minutes 每十分钟7.It is my favorite part of my new zoo.这是我最喜欢的新动物园的一部分。

5.The zoo has a fountain in the middle of the lake that shoots water out of it.


in the middle of the lake 湖的中央

8年下英语书课文翻译:英语原版阅读 In the(1)

6.This happnds every ten minutes.


every ten minutes 每十分钟

7.It is my favorite part of my new zoo.


my favorite part 我最喜欢的一部分 my new zoo 我的新动物园

8.I also really love the bridge that is built over my lake.


over my lake 湖上

8年下英语书课文翻译:英语原版阅读 In the(2)

9.All the people walk over it to watch us swim.


8年下英语书课文翻译:英语原版阅读 In the(3)


I'm new to the zoo. I'm the new swan that they just adopted. My new home is in the zoo's lake. I miss my old zoo friends a little bit but there are a lot of new friends to meet here. The zoo has a fountain in the middle of the lake that shoots water out of it. This happnds every ten minutes. It is my favorite part of my new zoo. I also really love the bridge that is built over my lake. All the people walk over it to watch us swim.


8年下英语书课文翻译:英语原版阅读 In the(4)

参考答案: 1.The first point of view. 2.I know it from the word "I". 3.He loves the new zoo.

