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为什么俗话说种瓜得瓜种豆得豆:种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆

为什么俗话说种瓜得瓜种豆得豆:种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆​能成夫妻、能做情人;能成朋友、能做同学;能成同事、能做邻居。种瓜得瓜种豆得豆,每一个人都不会无缘无故的相遇,都是你的修行和是否良善这个因而结出的必然的果。Can become a husband and wife can be a lover; To be friends and classmates; Be a colleague and a neighbor. Everyone will not meet for no reason. It is the inevitable result of your practice and goodness.​


Only living well can we love everyone we meet in this life. Our parents brought us to the world and gave us life.

为什么俗话说种瓜得瓜种豆得豆:种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆(1)


It takes thousands of years of practice to become a father son mother and daughter in this life. To become brothers and sisters in this life is a blessing given to us by our parents. Children who can be our own children are all.jpgts from heaven and destiny.

为什么俗话说种瓜得瓜种豆得豆:种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆(2)


Can become a husband and wife can be a lover; To be friends and classmates; Be a colleague and a neighbor. Everyone will not meet for no reason. It is the inevitable result of your practice and goodness.

为什么俗话说种瓜得瓜种豆得豆:种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆(3)
