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高三学生想练英语听力用mp3(英语听力读白适合高三在家学习)英国驻上海总领事的考官协调员克里斯多佛• 汉普顿。他说: "中国人喜欢在单词的读音上纠缠不休。他们很努力地听广播、 看电视 刻意模仿美国人的说话腔调。经过长时间的磨练 有些人的发音甚至比土生土长的美国人还地道。但是 我就算蒙着眼睛 也能轻易分辨出说话的是中国人 还是美国人。因为中国人说英语没有节奏。 "• "重音、 节奏和语调实际上应该看作是一个整体。它们是我们称之为 ' 语流' 的那个语言统一体的三个紧密相关的要素。语言实质上就是一种运动。不管单个音素发得多么准确 若想自己的话能被别人听懂 我们还得训练自己在 语流中正确地发出音来。

语言学习的五种能力五种能力:听说读写译 •



英国驻上海总领事的考官协调员克里斯多佛• 汉普顿。他说: "中国人喜欢在单词的读音上纠缠不休。他们很努力地听广播、 看电视 刻意模仿美国人的说话腔调。经过长时间的磨练 有些人的发音甚至比土生土长的美国人还地道。但是 我就算蒙着眼睛 也能轻易分辨出说话的是中国人 还是美国人。因为中国人说英语没有节奏。 "

• "重音、 节奏和语调实际上应该看作是一个整体。它们是我们称之为 ' 语流' 的那个语言统一体的三个紧密相关的要素。语言实质上就是一种运动。不管单个音素发得多么准确 若想自己的话能被别人听懂 我们还得训练自己在 语流中正确地发出音来。


The following monologue is about the celebration of New Year's Eve(前夕) in New York.

• It is December 31 in New York City. Hundreds of thousands of people are gathered(聚集) in Times Square(时代广场) waiting in the cold darkness for midnight.

• They count(数数,计算) the seconds until the New Year arrives. "Ten...nine...eight..."A huge glass New Year's ball falls through the darkness looking like thousands of burning stars(流星).When it reaches the ground the New Year has begun. People shout "Happy New Year"! They throw tiny(极小的 )pieces of colorful paper into the air. They dance and sing a traditional New Year song of friendship called "Auld Lang Syne".(友谊地久天长)

文化连接:苏格兰盖尔语:Auld Lang Syne,这是一首非常有名的诗歌,直译为逝去已久的日子。Auld Lang Syne是由十八世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地父老口传录下的。这首诗后来被谱了乐曲,除了原文盖尔语版本外,这首歌亦被许多国家谱上了当地语言,可以说是流传广泛,妇孺皆知

"Each year at about 6 p.m. the New Year's Eve ball is raised(升起) to its highest position(位置). The electric company(电力公司) turns on the thousands of little lights in the ball.• Then everyone waits for the beautiful object(物体) to fall. The first New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square took place (出现)in 1904 when the owners of a building on the square held that first party on top of their building. 3 years later a New Year's ball was dropped from the top of the building for the first time.

rise(rose risen)vi. 上升,升起 升高;上涨;

• arise (arose arisen) vi. .(问题,困难等)出现;发生

• raise vt 提升,抬高

The ball has been dropped every year except(除…之外 )for 2 years during World War II. In 1942 and 1943 crowds (人群)still gathered in Times Square. They observed a moment of silence. After that bells rang from a vehicle(车辆) in Times Square. People do not pay to attend the Times Square celebration. But other New Year's Eve celebrations can be costly(破费).

Except与except for

• except for后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的 指从整体中除去一个细节 一个方面;而except后接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同类 指在同类的整体中除去一个部分
