双语字幕英语动画西游记(分享一部被严重低估的英语学习素材)Journey to the West 38: Bajie Tries to SleepQUIZ:(答案在评论区)视频: 词汇:
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《Journey to the West》是一部英语动画版《西游记》,由Little Fox出品,每集时长5-7分钟,共108集。故事情节与大家熟知的经典《西游记》基本吻合,略有改动,增加了一些西式幽默的情节设计。
Journey to the West 38: Bajie Tries to Sleep
1. Which is NOT true?
A. Bajie met Golden Horn.
B. Wukong knew Bajie took a nap.
C. Wujing turned into a woodpecker.
2. Where did Wukong tell Bajie to search for demons?
A. the mountain
B. the river
C. the field
3. What did Wukong decide to do?
A. follow Bajie
B. take a nap
C. look for demons
4. What tapped Bajie during his nap?
A. a demon
B. a woodpecker
C. a fox
5. Where did Bajie see a demon?
A. in front of a cave
B. in front of a log
C. in front of a tree