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媒体深度融合的名词解释(每日一词媒体融合发展)Efforts should be made to boost integrated media development and amplify mainstream tone in public communication so as to consolidate the common theoretical foundation for all Party members and all the people to unite and work hard. The move will provide strong spiritual strength and public support for the realization of the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.推动媒体融合

近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于加快推进媒体深度融合发展的意见》。《意见》指出,把更多优质内容、先进技术、专业人才、项目资金向互联网主阵地汇集、向移动端倾斜。要以先进技术引领驱动融合发展,用好5G、大数据、人工智能等信息技术革命成果。The general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have recently released a guideline to further beef up the country's media convergence. The document calls for assembling more quality content advanced technologies professional talent and funds to internet platforms and mobile terminals. Highlighting the integrated development driven by advanced technology it also stresses the need to better use 5G big data and artificial intelligence among others.






当前,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正在重塑互联网行业生态和媒体发展格局,我们已经看到各种不同媒体形式之间的融合 也看到了人工智能、5G等新技术与媒体之间的融合趋势。面对前所未有的大变局大变革,主流媒体要携手共进,在媒体融合发展的大潮中勇做弄潮儿,在进军主战场的第一方阵中当好主力军,不断为时代聚人心、为社会存正气、为人间弘美德、为民族展形象,让正能量更强劲、主旋律更高昂。



Efforts should be made to boost integrated media development and amplify mainstream tone in public communication so as to consolidate the common theoretical foundation for all Party members and all the people to unite and work hard. The move will provide strong spiritual strength and public support for the realization of the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.



Party newspapers and periodicals should strengthen the development and innovation of their means of communication. Efforts should be made to develop websites microblogs WeChat electronic newspaper bulletins mobile newspapers internet protocol television and other forms of new media to enable the voice of the Party to directly reach all kinds of user terminals and gain new public opinion fields.



全媒体时代all-media era

媒体融合media convergence

新兴媒体emerging media

传统媒体traditional media

