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名师讲堂英语连词成句(一课译词覆水难收)没有人能拯救他们的婚姻,已经覆水难收了。méi yǒu rén néng zhěng jiù tā men de hūn yīn,yǐ jīng fù shuǐ nán shōu le jí ěr hěn kuài jiù hòu huǐ gào sù mài kè tā hèn tā,dàn tā zhī dào yǐ jīng shì fù shuǐ nán shōu le 吉尔很快就后悔告诉迈克她恨他,但她知道已经是覆水难收了。Jill soon regretted telling Mike that she hated him but she knew that what's done cannot be undone.



覆水难收是一个汉语成语,覆指“pour” 水是“water” 难表示“hard to do or difficult” 收指“retrieve”。

“覆水难收”字面意思指“倒在地上的水难以收回(spilled water cannot be gathered up again)”,常用来比喻事情已成定局、难以挽回,可以翻译为“What is done cannot be undone”。


jí ěr hěn kuài jiù hòu huǐ gào sù mài kè tā hèn tā,dàn tā zhī dào yǐ jīng shì fù shuǐ nán shōu le


Jill soon regretted telling Mike that she hated him but she knew that what's done cannot be undone.

méi yǒu rén néng zhěng jiù tā men de hūn yīn,yǐ jīng fù shuǐ nán shōu le


Nobody can save their marriage. What is lost is lost.

Editor: Jade

