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depend和relyon的区别(relydepend及count的区别)The man was always getting himself into debt and depended on the his wife to get him out.那个男人总是负债累累,靠妻子帮他还债。He did not depend his own judgement but his reliance on mine made everything easy.他不按自己的判断行事,可是因为他依赖我的判断,所以一切都很顺利。You should rely on your own judgement.你应该相信你自己的判断。You can rely on me to keep your secret.你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密。He can't be relied on to tell the truth.不能指望他说真话。He relies on his fa


They have to rely on the river for the water.他们用水只好依靠这条河。The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.国家(的经济)很大程度上依赖其旅游业。I count on my friend to help me.我指望我的朋友帮我。




You should rely on your own judgement.你应该相信你自己的判断。You can rely on me to keep your secret.你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密。He can't be relied on to tell the truth.不能指望他说真话。

He relies on his father to help him out of trouble.他总是靠父亲帮助解决困难。He is the kind of physician upon whom all his patients rely.他是病人所信赖的那种内科医生。



He did not depend his own judgement but his reliance on mine made everything easy.他不按自己的判断行事,可是因为他依赖我的判断,所以一切都很顺利。

The man was always getting himself into debt and depended on the his wife to get him out.那个男人总是负债累累,靠妻子帮他还债。



You can count on me. I will help you.你可以依靠我。我会帮着你。I will retire. I am going to get a pension. I count on it.我要退休了,我将有养老金。我就指望这笔钱了。

The boy’ parents died. He counts on his uncle for his bread and butter.这个男孩的父母去世了。他全依赖叔叔养活他。You cannot count on the weather being fine.你别指望天气会变好。
