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英语听力单词中英(英语听力英译英)B: I'd like to book a room for January 15th to 18th; do you have any vacancies?(1) A: Morning Reservations. How can I help you?3、不允许只用单词回答我的问题,比如hotel等,必须努力组织成完整的一句英语句子“回答”问题。4、体现你能把学过的已知的(旧)英语用起来。一、下面开始听三遍录音:









(1) A: Morning Reservations. How can I help you?

B: I'd like to book a room for January 15th to 18th; do you have any vacancies?

(2) A: I want to book a single room in your hotel for tomorrow night; is that possible?

B: Sorry sir. All the single rooms have been booked up. We only have one double room left.

(3) A: I'd like to check in please.

B: May I have your ID card? And how are you paying the bill?

A: Yes here you are. I'll pay by credit card.

(4) A: I wonder if it's possible to reserve a small conference room in your hotel for the l2th?

B: Yes we have a conference room which holds about 10 people.

A: That's fine. I'll take it.


1.Whete do the conversations take place?

2.How do you know?


1.Where do they take placr?

I think they take place in the hotel all at the front desk

能把学过的已知的英语front desk用起来吗?如果只会“英译汉”是没有机会把(旧)英语用起来的。

2.How do you know?


(1) I think I heatd some words like reservation how can I help you book a room any vacancies book a single room etc=and so on.


(2) I think I heard words like check in May I have your ID card? how are you paying the bill pay by credit card and so on=etc.


1)do you have any vacancies?

2)We only have one double room left.

Okay.I got you.If you say do you have any vacancies you mean/yoy can also say We only have one double room left or available.


Okay.I got you.If you say Reservation you mean/you can also say Making a reservation or booking a room or booking a ticket or booking a dinner table.

4)we have a conference room.

Okay I got you.A conference room is a meeting room.

If you say a conference room you mean/you can.also say A meeting room

