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家装实木门10大品牌性价比最高(中华豪门实木门科普)3、实木门材质也非常多,桃木、水曲柳、柚木、白橡木等,可以根据不同的设计风格选择不同材质。也可以根据不同使用区域选款式。2. The texture of the solid wood door is clear which makes people feel very natural and comfortable visually and the artistic decoration is very strong. It is also very good for home decoration.1、实木门的硬度与光泽非常好,属于高档类产品。只要是木材都会多少有点甲醛,而实木类是含甲醛最少的木材品。而且具有防蛀、抗污、防潮、抗裂的优点,非常耐用。1. The hardness and luster of solid wood doors are very good belong


Yashe Studio




1. The hardness and luster of solid wood doors are very good belonging to high-end products. As long as it is wood there will be a little formaldehyde while solid wood is the wood with the least formaldehyde. Moreover it has the advantages of mothproof anti pollution moisture-proof and crack resistance and is very durable.



2. The texture of the solid wood door is clear which makes people feel very natural and comfortable visually and the artistic decoration is very strong. It is also very good for home decoration.


3. Solid wood doors are also made of many materials such as peach ash teak and white oak which can be selected according to different design styles. You can also choose styles according to different use areas.



4. The heavier the weight the more the solid wood will be so don't forget to weigh it when choosing.


5. Check the flatness to see if there is blistering on the surface of the wood touch the surface of the wooden door to see if it is flat enough and if the joints are even and small.


6. However the price of wooden doors is relatively high so it should be planned in advance in the overall decoration budget. Moreover wooden doors are sensitive to humidity and temperature changes. For example the climate in Beijing is not suitable for the use of solid wood doors.



7. When choosing you'd better choose a big brand with guaranteed quality. You can also judge whether it is a good solid wood door by smelling the paint smell. If there is a strong pungent smell there is no doubt that you should not choose it.


8. In fact the membrane compacted wood door cannot be called a real solid wood door. It adopts a simulated solid wood structure mainly made of density boards. It is cheap and easy to shape. It is generally used in kitchens and guest rooms.

