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亿万美剧更新到第几季(美剧Billions亿万S1E421-26minute)Well that's where you're going.I don't want to go to jail.What the fuck are you doing?Shit I-I –Shit.



Oh sorry. I -- Donna wasn't out there and I have some AUSA quotes for your approval.

Not now.

What the fuck are you doing?

Shit I-I –


I don't want to go to jail.

Well that's where you're going.

Oh there might be a path to rehab. She was compromised. She wasn't paid off. But uh this is an attack any way we look at it. We need to move on it right away. You do. I can handle this proffer session myself.

How did he make contact?

He texts me.

And he makes me tell him about every single financial case all the big ones.

We'll run the phone number. It'll come up a burner but we'll run it.

He tells me when and where to meet.

Well this time you're texting him. And you tell him that you have something big. All right? You know compromised or not this was a personal betrayal. For all of us.



he makes me tell him about every single financial case 这里用的make来表示他叫我做…;他让我做… 里面有胁迫的意思


come up 这个词组有很多的意思常见的有“破土而出、升起”还有以下几个意思:

come up≈ happen I'm afraid something urgent has come up

被提及、被讨论 The subject came up in conversation.

(事情或时间) 即将发生(或出现、到来) Her birthday is coming up soon.

rehab n. (吸毒或酗酒者的) 康复;


Well we are watching shares of Cross-Co. pop this morning after unconfirmed reports from a trucking-industry blog speculating of an acquisition of CXC... ..by trucking behemoth JT Hunsicker.

And yet other reports indicate that Hunsicker has an exclusive...

Oh yeah. Of course I'm watching it Quince. Hell I'm bathing in it.

...billion dollars or about $90 a share...

It's good to be alive huh?


Look at the action on Cross-Co. Trucking.

Cross-Co. Trucking? What about it?

Hello? Hello?



I'm bathing in it 乐在其中 可以用bathing in it表示

Behemoth n. 巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构);


Look at this man.

Oh yeah.

Holy shit. Whoa!

The band's really excited you're getting to see this.

Oh man.

That's the opening act setting up right now and then Metallica will check.

Oh okay.

You guys can help yourself to anything here while you wait.

Great. Thank you. –

Yeah. I'm already there.

Thank you. Thank you. –

Already there.

Oh yeah.

Ooh. Beer?

All right. I'll supervise. You guys need some supervision.

Oh hello ladies.

Hey. How you doing?

You're not going hunting?

No. No I'm here for the band. Bobby.

Elise. I'm here for the band too. You want to pass me a water? I practically wore out my Ride the Lightning CD by the time I was 12 so this is basically my childhood dream come true. I can die after tonight.

I wore that album out too.

Yeah okay.

Best song.

Fade to Black. –

Wrong. Creeping Death. But yours is respectable. Classic.

Well you can't beat a classic. Friends cars music.

New things can be fun too. Unless you're afraid of change.

Oh I'm not afraid of much and I can change in an instant but uh not just for the fuck of it.

Sometimes you just got to make the change blindly and pray that it all goes well. And most of the time it does.

Or it blows up in your face.

Yeah. It can. It takes guts to make change. That's also called progress.

I think I'll stick with the classics.

Elise we're ready for you.

Yeah well here's the problem -- Who gets to decide? You wouldn't want to miss one.

I'm pretty good at spotting 'em.

Yeah we'll see.

Hey let's um...


一 二 三 四

One two three four.

*Out on the streets that's where we'll meet*

*You make the night I always cross the line*

*Tighten our belts abuse ourselves*

*Get in our way we'll put you on your shelf*

*Another day some other way*

*We're gonna go but then we'll see you again*

*I've had enough we've had enough*

*Cold in vain she said*

*I knew right from the beginning*

*That you would end up winning*

*I knew right from the start.* Yeah?



It takes guts to make change 改变需要勇气

Practically adv. 几乎; 差不多; 很接近; 实事求是地; 实际地;

blow up in someone's face. 使某人栽跟头或使某人做事失败,用来描述突然间的、没有预期到的做事失败或栽了跟头,所以有时也译为令某人难堪
