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情侣可以留存一辈子的纪念物(不如把骨灰做成玻璃纪念品)keepsake['kipsek]: n. 纪念品达文波特公司在网站上写道:“我们的目标是用实物纪念品来留住瞬间,唤起回忆。”达文波特玻璃纪念品公司专营这类实物纪念品,用少量逝者骨灰做出美丽的玻璃工艺纪念品。其中宠物爪子玻璃纪念品特别受欢迎,而且体积小便于携带,无论你去哪里,都可以带上你心爱的猫或狗的一小份骨灰。stunning['stʌnɪŋ]: adj. 极好的;极美的"Our goal is to physically capture a moment to create a keepsake that brings back a memory ” Davenport writes on their website.



Losing a loved one either human or animal is one of the hardest experiences you’ll face in life. To help keep the memories alive many of us like to have a physical reminder to keep close at hand something beautiful and meaningful that contains the essence of a friend departed.


Davenport Memorial Glass specializes in just these kind of physical reminders creating memorial pieces that infuse a small quantity of a loved one’s ashes with stunning glass works of art. The pet paws are particularly popular and are small enough for you to carry a little piece of your beloved cat or dog with you wherever you go.


stunning['stʌnɪŋ]: adj. 极好的;极美的



"Our goal is to physically capture a moment to create a keepsake that brings back a memory ” Davenport writes on their website.


keepsake['kipsek]: n. 纪念品

While pets make up a huge part of many of our lives there is no formal custom when it comes to memorializing them. If pet lovers decide to do anything at all most will choose to bury their furry friends. Pet cemeteries exist and people can choose to bury or cremate their pets there along with gravestones and statues just like we do for humans.


However if you don’t have a pet cemetery nearby and feel that perhaps a formal burial is too much Davenport’s memorial pieces offer a tasteful alternative. You just need to somehow get a small spoonful of ashes and send them to Davenport by post. You could also get a paw-imprint pendant like the one pictured below.



"About 10 years ago I lost a good friend. I was given a small spoonful of his ashes that I had just set on my bookshelf for a number of years.” Cameron Davenport the man behind the business told Bored Panda.


"One day it came to me and I decided to make him into a marble. There were quite a few friends that thought this was a neat idea and asked me to make them some memorial glass as well. It sort of just snowballed after that.”


snowball['snobɔl]: vi. 滚雪球般增大





The job comes with a portion of sadness for Cameron as many of his customers are still in a grieving process. Cameron takes the time to make a personal connection with his customers so he often hears the background behind the requests for custom pieces. " I get a ton of sad emails and often need to take breaks from reading ” he said.


Of course there is the other side too. Cameron’s craftmanship produces pieces that go beyond art and become cherished memories something that can make a real difference to the lives of his clients.


"They love the work I do for them and the meaning behind it. As each day goes on I become more and more grateful for the people in my life and the time I get to spend with them. Doing this type of work really highlights the love in my life. I look forward to many more years of spreading joy and comfort through memorial glass.”






