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12月15日,景色宜人的宁远县湾井镇路亭古村美如画图。近年,该县按照“古色、绿色、特色”的总体要求,将全县218个村纳入美丽乡村规划建设,打造了以柏家坪、湾井、九嶷等乡镇为主和“九嶷山 周边村”的美丽农村示范带,形成了 “一村一品、一村一景”的农旅融合田园综合体,助力乡村振兴。 湖南日报·新湖南客户端记者 李健 通讯员 乐水旺 摄影报道

On December 15 the ancient village in Ningyuan county Wan jing town is eautiful as a painting.

In recent years the county In accordance with the requirements of “antique green and unique " involved 218 villages in the county into the planning and construction to establish a well built beautiful village demonstration zone with BaiJiaPing Wanjing and Jiuyi villages and to form the "One village one product " One village one scene "agriculture rural comprehensive integrity to boost rural revitalization.

Translated by Tian Mengyao
