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英语思维动词教程(英语学霸养成记之常见易用错动词)Lay vt. 放置,生产(其后加宾语)动词变化为:lay laid laid laying(2) “I must lie he thought desperately. I must look and lie about what I see that's all. ” 我必须对他撒谎,"他不顾一切地想,"我必须先照照镜子,然后编出一套谎话来骗他,就这么做。"(2) He went upstairs to the quiet bedroom where the child lay. 他上楼来到了那孩子躺着的静静的卧室。Lie vi. 说谎(其后不加宾语)动词变化为:lie lied lied lying 例如:(1) But if you look more closely the plot actually thickens. We lie more to stra




Lie vi. 躺(其后不加宾语)动词变化为:lie lay lain lying 例如:

(1) And then I lay down and cried for the second time. 接着,我躺下来,又一次哭了。

(2) He went upstairs to the quiet bedroom where the child lay. 他上楼来到了那孩子躺着的静静的卧室。

Lie vi. 说谎(其后不加宾语)动词变化为:lie lied lied lying 例如:

(1) But if you look more closely the plot actually thickens. We lie more to strangers than we lie to coworkers. Extroverts lie more than introverts. 但你仔细看,情况没那么简单。我们对陌生人说谎的次数比同事要多。外向的人比内向的人多。

(2) “I must lie he thought desperately. I must look and lie about what I see that's all. ” 我必须对他撒谎,"他不顾一切地想,"我必须先照照镜子,然后编出一套谎话来骗他,就这么做。"

Lay vt. 放置,生产(其后加宾语)动词变化为:lay laid laid laying

(1) When I reached the stockade the house lay in dark shadow. 我到寨子的时候,木屋笼罩在黑暗中。

(2) He laid a book on the desk a while ago. 他刚才把一本书放在桌上。

第二、rise raise arise arouse

Rise vi. 起床,升起(其后不加宾语)动词变化形式为:rise rose rose rising 例如:

(1) Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises? 太阳会西升东落吗?

(2) Government debt has risen but most of that rise is the sensible mirror image of efforts by households to reduce theirs. 政府债务高涨,其大部分涨幅清晰地折射出了美国家庭在努力地削减自身债务。

Raise vt. 举起,抚养,饲养; 动词变化为:raise raised raised raising

(1) They had raised the white flag in surrender. 他们已经升起白旗投降。

(2) My mother was an amazing woman. She raised four of us kids virtually singlehandedly. 我母亲是个了不起的女人。她几乎是独自抚养大了我们4个孩子。

Arise vi. 起因于(与from 连用)动词变化为:arise arose arisen arising

(1) Problems have arisen when Chinese or Korean school children enter American or European schools. 中国学童或是韩国学童进入美国或欧洲学校就读时,就曾经发生过问题。

(2) I expect to divert the facetious remarks which might arise from the worldly or practical-minded folk within earshot. 我猜这是因为她不想被那些世故或讲求实际的家伙听到后开她的玩笑

Arouse vt. 唤醒,激发, 动词变化为:arouse aroused aroused arousing

(1) They found that the most common emotion aroused by using Facebook is envy. 他们发现使用Facebook最容易引起的情绪是嫉妒。

(2) Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of passers-by. 乞丐出售的几乎是他本人,以引起过路人的怜悯。


Hang vt. & vi 挂 动词变化为:hang hung hung hanging

(1) It's an issue that has been hanging around for a while. 这个问题已经被提及一段时间。

(2) Your career hangs on what you get to dance in the workshop. 你的前程跟你的表演息息相关。

(3) I found his jacket which was hanging up in the hallway. 我找到了他的夹克,它就挂在门厅里。

Hang vt. 吊死,绞死 动词变化为:hang hanged hanged hanging

(1) The five were expected to be hanged at 7 a.m. on Tuesday. 这5个人将在星期二上午7:00被处以绞刑。

(2) He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital. 他到达精神病院两小时后上吊自杀了。

