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九年级上册英语unit二(人教版九年级英语上册寒假作业---Exercise)A. quite; that B. so; that C. enough; that D. very; that ( )4. -Yesterday there were________ many people in the park.________I almost lost my way. --It was the May Day. Lots of people wanted to have fun there.A. if B. when C. what D. how ( )3.________delicious the mooncake________s! --Yes I agree with you. They are the best mooncakes I've ever had. A. How; tastes B. What; tastes C. How; taste

I. 单项选择。

( )1.Do you know Halloween? Yes It is celebrated_________October 31st by children who go from house to house asking for sweets Especially in the US and Canada.

A. in B. on C. at D. by

( )2. -Can we visit Hong Kong this summer holiday? -- I wonder________ it is the best time to go there.

A. if B. when C. what D. how

( )3.________delicious the mooncake________s! --Yes I agree with you. They are the best mooncakes I've ever had.

A. How; tastes B. What; tastes C. How; taste D. What; taste

( )4. -Yesterday there were________ many people in the park.________I almost lost my way. --It was the May Day. Lots of people wanted to have fun there.

A. quite; that B. so; that C. enough; that D. very; that

( )5.--You ________online for 3 hours. It's time to go to bed. --Sorry. I just don't know what to give to my grandparents as Christmas presents

A. shopped B.are shopping C. shop D. have been shopping

( )6.-the Dragon Boat races are so exciting but our boat is still behind. --Don't worry. I am sure ________our team will win.

A. if B. that C. whether D. why ( )

7. -Could you tell me something about Valentines Day in Japan? --Well not only adults________ children celebrate it.

A. but B. and C. although D. because

( )8. -Will we have dinner at the Sunshine Hotel? --Maybe. We'll go there if the show before six. But I don't know if there any free tables then. A. will end: were B. will end: will be C ends: were D. ends: will be

( )9.-Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party? --Well. I don't know________. A. that I can finish my work by then B. if can I finish the work by then C. whether I can finish the work by then D. that can I finish the work by then

( )10.-I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day. --________And we will miss you. A. Enjoy yourself B. You 're welcome C. That 's interesting D. The same to you


1.________(wolf) are usually friendly and helpful to each other when they live in groups. 2. Two________ (truck )came to stop in front of the hotel. 3. If you stay up too late you will feel________(sleep )in class the next day. 4. Some________(policeman) were searching the house for useful clues. 5. Some model teachers were invite________(attend ) the meeting.


usual run away used to might have fun

There is a park near my home. In thepark there are some bushes(树丛).I 1.________enjoy doing some reading on the bench(长凳) beside the bushes.But now I always tell myself to keen away from the bushes. Last Sunday I went to read on a bench there.I was 2.________reading my favorite Sherlock Holmes when I suddenly heard something 3.________from the bushes.It sounded like a small animal walking through the bushes. I thought it 4. ________be a cat or something like that and took no notice of it. Suddenly a yellow four-legged cat-like animal ran past me. I couldn't help shouting! I didn't know what it was. And I 5.________as fast as I could. Later I told my father about it. He told me it must be a weasel(黄鼠狼), However it made me afraid.


1. The old woman no longer lived there.

The old woman ________live there________ ________ .

2. I am sure there is somebody in the room.

There ________ ________somebody in the room. 3. It's impossible that Jim has been to the Great Wall.

Jim________ ________ ________ to the Great Wall

4. We didn't find anything strange in the library.

We ________ ________ ________in the library.

5. I don't know what made the frightening sound.

I________ ________ ________ what made the frightening sound.


A penny saved is a penny earned( or gained).


参考答案:I.1--5 BACBD 6--10 BADCA

II.1. Wolves 2. trucks 3. sleepy 4. policemen 5.to attend III.1. used to 2. having fun 3. unusual 4 might 5.ran away IV. 1. didn't; any longer 2. must be 3. can't have been 4. found nothing strange

5. have no idea.

