植物之歌 纪录片(植物之歌合集BBC3集纪录片)
植物之歌 纪录片(植物之歌合集BBC3集纪录片)Plants use photosynthesis to live and grow Photosynthesis make oxygen it is an intricate process.植物通过光合作用生存和长大,它制造氧气,光合作用是非常复杂的过程。在《How To Grow A Planet》这部纪录片中,BBC将镜头瞄准我们这颗星球上的植物,由主持Iain Stewart带领大家走进植物的世界,了解植物的起源及生命机理.植物借助恒星的光芒,带给世界能量。它们和它们的祖先创造了我们生命的环境。我呼吸着25亿年前的氧气。它们装饰着地球的表面,也推进动物的进化,包括我们的祖先。They harness light from a star bringing energy to our world. They and their ancestors created our l
《植物之歌》(How To Grow A Planet)由BBC制作,分3集,在头条号《小智雅汇》用了3篇的篇幅,内容比较分散。考虑到今日头条内容管理的扁平化,不便于数据的分类,为方便查看特制作此合集。
在《How To Grow A Planet》这部纪录片中,BBC将镜头瞄准我们这颗星球上的植物,由主持Iain Stewart带领大家走进植物的世界,了解植物的起源及生命机理.
They harness light from a star bringing energy to our world. They and their ancestors created our life-giving atmosphere. I'm breathing oxygen that was made two and a half billion years ago. They sculpted the very surface of the Earth and they drove the evolution of all animals including our own ancestors.
Plants use photosynthesis to live and grow Photosynthesis make oxygen it is an intricate process.
Life from Light 生命之光
The Power of Flowers 花的力量
The Challenger 挑战者