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English breakfast tea or simply breakfast tea is a traditional blend of teas originating from Assam Ceylon and Kenya. It is one of the most popular blended teas common in British and Irish tea culture.

English breakfast tea is a black tea blend usually described as full-bodied robust rich and blended to go well with milk and sugar in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast.

The black teas included in the blend vary with Assam Ceylon and Kenyan teas predominating and Keemun sometimes included in more expensive blends.

英式早餐茶(英語:English breakfast tea),或英国早茶,是一款经典的英国调和紅茶,一般採用印度阿萨姆、斯里兰卡和肯尼亚產的茶葉混合而成,是英國具代表性的茶飲之一。口感醇厚浓烈,香气饱满,还带有淡淡的花香,通常用来搭配英式早餐,以及烤物和味道强烈的食品。英国早餐茶一般和牛奶及砂糖混合做成奶茶饮用,也适合搭配柠檬,是英式早餐的一部分。

