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大象和野兔都不相信乌龟的话(善良的长毛象没有想到老虎的阴谋)16.8 He said come back with the baby or don’t come back at all !16.7 Let’s go him ! Not yet !16.4 Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you ?16.5 What are you two doing here ?16.6 Soto’s getting tired of waiting .

16.1 Go ahead .Slice me .

16.2 It’ll be the last thing you ever do .

16.3 I’m working here you waster of fur .

16.4 Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you ?

16.5 What are you two doing here ?


16.6 Soto’s getting tired of waiting .

16.7 Let’s go him ! Not yet !

16.8 He said come back with the baby or don’t come back at all !

16.9 Well I have a message for Soto .

16.10 Tell him I’m bringing the baby .


16.11 And tell him I’m bringing a mammoth .

16.12 Well this one does . And I’m leading him to Half Peak .

16.13 Look at all that meat .

