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走路姿势判断性格(走路姿势是如何暴露性格的)Creative and/or conscientious- Less overall movement in a walk (little swagger and little sway).创造性和/或尽责性:走路时一般不太摇晃(既不大摇大摆,也不歪歪斜斜)。Agreeable and/or extroverted- linked with increased pelvis movement alone or 'hip sway'.亲和度和/或外向性:与只抬高骨盆的动作有关,或者说“甩胯”。This enabled them to identify personality traits including openness conscientiousness extroversion agreeableness and neuroticism.这使研究员能够确定(参与者)的开放性、


The way people walk can provide clues about their personality claims a new study.一项新研究指出,人们走路的姿势会提供有关他们性格特点的线索。

Using motion capture technology researchers found that movements reveal certain personality traits such as aggression agreeableness and extroversion.通过动态捕捉技术,研究员发现,姿势会透露某些个性特点,如攻击性、亲和力以及外向性。

The technology is widely used in film to capture the movements of an actor which are then translated to an animated character on screen.这项技术被广泛应用于电影中,用来拍摄演员的动作,然后转化成屏幕上逼真的人物形象。

The study assessed the personalities of 29 participants using a standard personality test called the 'big five'.该研究通过一项名为“五大(个性)”的标准性格测试来评估29位参与者的性格。

This enabled them to identify personality traits including openness conscientiousness extroversion agreeableness and neuroticism.这使研究员能够确定(参与者)的开放性、尽责性、外向性、亲和力以及情绪稳定性。


Aggressive- exaggerated movement of both the upper and lower body or 'swagger'.攻击性:上半身和下半身的动作都过于显眼,或者说“大摇大摆”。

Agreeable and/or extroverted- linked with increased pelvis movement alone or 'hip sway'.亲和度和/或外向性:与只抬高骨盆的动作有关,或者说“甩胯”。

Creative and/or conscientious- Less overall movement in a walk (little swagger and little sway).创造性和/或尽责性:走路时一般不太摇晃(既不大摇大摆,也不歪歪斜斜)。

A separate study from the Technical University of Munich paired up 20 strangers and asked them to walk towards each other without colliding and without speaking.The volunteers also filled in personality questionnaires.From this the researchers pinpointed three different types of pedestrian.慕尼黑理工大学曾做过一项独立研究,他们让20个陌生人组成搭档,并请他们在不碰撞也不讲话的情况下走向彼此。志愿者也填写了性格调查问卷。据此,研究员准确地描述了行人的3种不同类型。


Bumbler- Most people fall into this category. Scientists found 50 per cent can't make up their mind and vary their strategy when walking in crowds.走路跌跌撞撞的人:多数人属于这一类。科学家发现50%的人无法避免这种情况,当他们走在人群中的时候,他们也无法做出适应性改变。

Barger- Around 25 per cent of people like to pass first making the other person stand to one side. The person who passes first isn’t as rude as they may initially appear. It seems they do tend to adjust their path – just not enough to avoid a collision.走路鲁莽冲撞的人:约25%的人喜欢先走,把别人挤在一边。但是,先走的人(其实)并不像他们最初看起来那样无礼。他们似乎确实有调整行进路线的趋向,只是他们的调整依然无法避免碰撞。

Polite- Another 25 per cent prefer to step aside. Interestingly physical factors such as age height and gender seemed to have no bearing on pavement etiquette.走路文雅的人:另外25%的人比较喜欢靠边走。有趣的是,年龄、身高以及性别等身体因素似乎与行走礼仪无关。

It is hoped that being able to identify a possible relationship between a person's walk and their intention to engage in aggression could be used as a crime prevention strategy.希望通过判断一个人的走路姿势与他们产生攻击行为的意图之间的潜在关联,我们能够把它作为一项预防犯罪的策略。

