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Dear friends and colleagues the year 2021 is drawing to a close and I wanted to take this opportunity to send you a brief message here from the home of the United Nations on a cold winter's day and also the home of the United Nations Development Program.

It's been a tough year and for many of you every day continues to be a challenge whether it is in the context of our families worried about the health of our parents; worried about the education of our children; worried about our neighbors; worried about ourselves.

It's a profound period of insecurity and uncertAInty and let us also be honest it is a period in which we have seen some of the most brave extraordinary and moving actsby people working in solidarity with their neighbors in their jobs to save lives.






We have seen some of the most profound failures in societies and yes in our global community. Vaccine inequity at the end of 2021 remains a defining characteristic of this pandemic.One that will continue to haunt us not only in terms of the health crisis but also in terms of the memories of those who to this day have not had access to vaccine.

And let me also take this opportunity to express my condolences to those of you who have lost family members friends and colleagues. These are profoundly sad moments and in some respects perhaps by now they could have become avoidable.

But we have to look forward and we are privileged as staff of the United Nations Development Program as United Nations volunteers as staff members of the UN Capital Development Fund MPTF and the UN Office for South-South Cooperation all of you who make up the UNDP family are in a position to make a difference.






So in reflecting on the year 2021 I first of all want to commend all of you for your extraordinary commitment and also to many amongst us for your courage to continue to serve where others did not feel able to serve.

I'm thinking here in particular of those on the front lines of our health services but also in countries of crisis and conflict where so many of our colleagues have stayed and delivered.

This is the commitment of the United Nations. It's the commitment of the Secretary General that he repeats regularly in order to both give us the confidence and the courage to continue to be there alongside the people that we join the United Nations for to serve.

But in looking forward to the year 2022 let us also be honest we are not out of this crisis this pandemic is not behind us. Therefore we need to find both inner strength and conviction to return in the new year with the same determination hopefully greater clarity and also greater solidarity at the global level both to contain this pandemic but also to return to a moment where thinking about the future.

The future of development is something that gives us hope young people today in particular.


I have a great deal of sympathy for what kind of perspective is it to live in a world that cannot deal with a pandemic in an equitable way where vaccines become an issue of privilege and access but also the capacity of us to act together on a challenge like climate change that will define the lives and livelihoods indeed of billions of people already in the next couple of generations and perhaps for centuries to come.






It is a world in which inertia and sometimes denial are still too prevalent. But this is also our opportunity as staff members of the UN as staff of the United Nations Development Program we have an opportunity to work in countries on the ground to bring science knowledge technology and opportunity closer to those who can turn them into development pathways and choices for the future.

This has to be our focus even in these difficult times. From that perspective I simply want to ask you to in a sense take a moment as this year ends to be with family and friends to reflect and to recover regain your strength and also your courage and then to return in the year 2022.

Let us make a difference.





This is what we set out to do our new strategic plan in UNDP. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate that what we do and what we're committed to doing is part of the future story of development.

Thank you so much. Thank you to all of you and also our partners and friends and colleagues across the world. It's been an extraordinary experience.

For me it is only to wish you for those of you who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas and a happy new year and above all keep well stay healthy and see you on the other side.

Thank you!

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