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马丁路德金刺杀原因(听读马丁路德金遇刺)Senator Robert E Kennedy's assassination two months later on June 5 1968 deepened my despair about events in America.1968年4月4日,马丁·路德·金博士遇刺身亡,这让我悲愤交加。一些城市发生暴动。次日我到波士顿邮政广场前参加大规模的示威游行与悼念活动。返校时,我在手臂上戴了黑色臂章,并为美国的未来感到担忧。By the time I was a college junior I had resigned my position as a president of the college republicans and gone from being a Goldwater Girl to supporting the anti-war campaign o


★ 第11章 ★

In hindsight 1968 was a watershed year for the country and for my own personal and political evolution. National and international events unfolded in quick succession: the Tet Offensive the withdrawal of Lyndon Johnson from the presidential race the assassination of MartinLuther King Jr. the assassination of Robert Kennedy and the relentless escalation of the Vietnam War.


By the time I was a college junior I had resigned my position as a president of the college republicans and gone from being a Goldwater Girl to supporting the anti-war campaign of Eugene McCarthy a Democratic Senator from Minnesota who was challenging PresidentJohnson in the presidential primary. Along with some of my friends I would drive up from Wellesley to Manchester New Hampshire on Friday or Saturday to stuff envelopes and walk precincts.


Dr. King's assassination on April 4 1968 filled me with grief and rage. Riots broke out in some cities. The next day I joined in a massive march of protest and mourning at Post OfficeSquare in Boston. I returned to campus wearing a black armband and agonizing about the kind of future America faced.


Senator Robert E Kennedy's assassination two months later on June 5 1968 deepened my despair about events in America.


