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新概念第2册第三课单词:步步跟新概念2册第14课词汇篇6.I stopped and he asked me for a lift. 5.I stopped and he asked me for alift. 1.I had an amusing experience last year. 3.After I had left a small village in the south of France I drove on to the next town. 4.On the way a young man waved to me.

步步跟“每日一讲” 针对新概念、中考的课文进行重点剖析,针对听力、词汇、语法进行梳理和讲解,讲堂每天都会和大家在一起分享英语知识哟,大家不见不散~



讲解词汇:amusing、aprat from、ask、as soon as、drive、experience、journey、language、lift、neither、reply、stop、wave



1.I had an amusing experience last year.


3.After I had left a small village in the south of France I drove on to the next town.


4.On the way a young man waved to me.


5.I stopped and he asked me for alift.


6.I stopped and he asked me for a lift.


7.I stopped and he asked me for a lift.


8.As soon as he had got into the car I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.


9.As soon as he had got into the car I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.


10.As soon as he had got into the car I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.


11.Apart from a few words I do not know any French at all.


12.Neither of us spoke during the journey.


13.Neither of us spoke during the journey.



1.After I had left a small village in the south of France I drove on to the next town.

after引导的从句如果一个是过去时,一个是过去完成时,那一定是从句用过去完成时;before引导的从句表示“在……之前”,主句发生在从句之前 主句用过去完成时。

drive on 继续开往(on加在动词的后面表示继续)

My heart will go on 《我心永恒》

drive to 开车去某地


He talked on until everybody had gone.


I was reading when my friend called. After he had gone I went on to read.


表达方位的表达方式一共有3个介词 in(在……里面) on(接壤),to(没有相接的 是相离的)

A is to the east of B A在B的东方(A与B不相接)

A is on the east of B A在B的东方(A与B接壤)

A is in the east of B A在B的东方(A在B的里面)

2.On the way a young man waved to me.

on the way 在路上 在途中

wave to sb. 冲某人挥手

3.As soon as he had got into the car I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.

as soon as 一……就……,后面一定要加一个句子(时间状语从句) 强调两个动作几乎是连在一起的,“一” 后面的先发生

As soon as I had entered the room I took off my coat at once.

As soon as I had received the letter I ringed/called him back.

只要是状语从句 一旦遇到将来时 变为一般现在时

As soon as you arrive you must call me. 你一到就打我电话。


I speak English. I say a word in Chinese.

4.Apart from a few words I do not know any French at all.

apart from… 除……以外

not … at all 一点都不,表强调

I don't like it.

I don't like it at all.

5.I had nearly reached the town when the young man suddenly said very slowly "Do you speak English?'

nearly 将要

when的翻译要看当时的具体情况 在这里译为“就在此时”

I had nearly reached home when I found my mother standing there.

6.As I soon learnt he was English himself!'

I learn 我得知; I know 我知道(我本来就知道)

As 主语 动词,从句 (As my mother said/As I heard/ As I learnt) 正如……

As we know the New Concept English is very good. 正如我们所知……

As I think it is the coldest day in the year.

As he said English is easy to learn.

himself反身代词单独放在句尾 起强调作用

I read English myself.




1.After he ___ (have) dinner he went to the cinema.

2.We ___ (do not) disturb him until he ___ (finish) work.

3.As soon as i left the room i ____ (turn) on the radio.


1.The young man waved to the writer. He ____ him.

A. saluted B. greeted C. signalled to D. nodded

2.He replied in French. He ____ the writer in French.

A. answered B. remarked C. responded D. returned

3.I like ___ of the designs that means I don't like ____ of them.

A. neither;either B. either;either C. both;neither D. either;neither

4.He ____ me a lift to the station.

A. ask B. gave C. supply D. Thumb

5.Jane always ___ her little sister with stories when they were young all of which were very ____ .

A. amused;amusing B. amuses;amusing C. amuses;amused D. amused;amused

6.Tomorrow's meeting is very important. Please ask them __ there on time.

A. go B. going C. to go D. went

What does he done? ____ reading the paper.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for
