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外刊精读每日一篇总结怎么写?外刊精读Day47你不了解自己的十件事情generosity 慷慨elicit 引起,引发出⑥Drazen Prelec a psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains such findings with his theory of self-signaling: what a particular action says about me is often more important than the action’s actual objective. ⑦More than a few people have stuck with a diet because they did not want to appear weak-willed. ⑧Conversely it has been empirically establi


原文刊登于《Scientific American》(2018.05.15)


9. Insecure people tend to behave more morally.

Insecurity is generally thought of as a drawback but it is not entirely bad. People who feel insecure about whether they have some positivetrait tend to try to prove that they do have it. Those who are unsure of their generosity for example are more likely to donate money to a good cause. This behavior can be elicited experimentally by giving subjects negative feedback—for instance “According to our tests you are less helpful and cooperative than average.” People dislike hearing such judgments and end up feeding the donation box.

Drazen Prelec a psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains such findings with his theory of self-signaling: what a particular action says about me is often more important than the action’s actual objective. More than a few people have stuck with a diet because they did not want to appear weak-willed. Conversely it has been empirically established that those who are sure that they are generous intelligent or sociable make less effort to prove it.⑨Too much self-assurance makes people complacent and increases the chasm between the self that they imagine and the self that is real.⑩Therefore those who think they know themselves well are particularly apt to know themselves less well than they think.


insecure 不安全的,不确定的

trait 特质

elicit 引起,引发出

generosity 慷慨

donation 捐款

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工

objective 目标

conversely 相反

empirically 实证地,经验地

complacent 自大的

apt to 易于


1.People who feel insecure about whether they have some positive trait tend to try to prove that they do have it.

此句主干是“people tend to try to prove”;前部“who feel insecure about whether they have some positive trait”是定语从句修饰people,里面的“whether…”为宾语从句,作“feel insecure about”的宾语。

2.Drazen Prelec a psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains such findings with his theory of self-signaling: what a particular action says about me is often more important than the action’s actual objective.

此句主干为“Drazen Prelec explains such findings”前部有一个插入语用来修饰DP这个人;后面的“with his theory…”是状语从句表示方式;冒号后面为theory的同位语从句,其中,“what a particular action says about me”是主语从句;句子最后是than引出的比较状语从句。



麻省理工学院心理学家Drazen Prelec用他的自我暗示理论解释此发现:特定行为对我带来的评价比该行为真正的目标要重要。很多人坚持吃减肥餐是因为不想显得意志力薄弱。相反,有证据表明,确定自己慷慨、聪明、善交际的人不太费力去证明这一点。过分自信会让人自大,进而加剧其自我形象与真实形象之间的差距。所以,自认为非常了解自己的人更有可能没他们想象的那么了解自己。


1.Participants generally attributed the behavior in the case studies to environmental factors such as a difficult childhood—the real essence of these people must surely have been different.

本句主干是“Participants attributed the behavior to environmental factors”,为“主谓宾宾补”结构,attribute A to B的意思是“把A归因于B”;后面的“such as”为同位语,进一步举例说明factors;破折号后同样是解释说明。
