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英语动词的常见搭配:英语不规则动词记不住Wake(woke woken) 醒来You shake (shook shaken) 摇摆,摇晃01The microphone I 麦克风 take (took taken) 拿



The microphone I 麦克风

take (took taken) 拿

You shake (shook shaken) 摇摆,摇晃

Wake(woke woken) 醒来

to the style I’m creating 为我创作的RAP

Think(thought thought) 想

Seek(sought sought) 寻觅

Listen to the Lesson that 听我教的课程

I Teach(taught taught)教

Don’t sleep(slept slept)睡觉

I creep(crept crept) 爬行

I sneak(snuck snuck)up 悄悄来临

You leap(lept lept) 跳跃

I keep(kept kept) 保持

Having fun

I’m never

Beat(beat beaten) 打败

I win(won won) 赢

Do(did done) 做

Begin(began begun)开始

Shoot(shot shot) 射击

No I don’t own a gun 不,我没有枪

I lead(led led)so I can引导

Feed(fed fed) 喂食

The knowledge you need 你所需要的知识

straight to your head 直接供给大脑

When I

Bring(brought brought)it 带来


Catch(caught caught)it抓住

Sit back.Relax.坐回去,放轻松


Fight(fought fought)it 打,挣扎



Please don’t

Freeze(froze frozen) 冻僵,僵住

When I

Speak(spoke spoken)说

It’s real.You can feel

I don’t Steal(stole stolen)


I Choose(chose chosen) 选择

the very best lines /and 最好的RAP

Write(wrote written)写

them into my lines进我的RAP

and into your mind when进入我的大脑

we Meet(met met) 遇见

I’ll Bet(bet bet) 打赌

I won’t let you我不会让你

Forget(forgot forgotten) 忘记

I Get(got gotten) 获得

every head nodding;don’t 每个人的认可

think about stopping…… 别想着停下来



Just come(came come) 来,加入

This is hip hop;

I don’t Sing(sang sung) 唱

I Sting(stung stung) 疼痛

You Cling(clung clung) 坚持

On each and every word

You Hang(hung hung) 吊,挂


It’s not enough to 不够

Dream(dreamt dreamt) 梦想

You’ve got to Spend(spent spent) 花费

time on your goals; 时间追逐目标

please Lend(lent lent) 借

me an ear; 我一只耳

come near and I’ll 靠近我

Lay(laid laid) 产下

Down this new sound 这个新声

that I Make(made made) 制作,编,做

I hope you don’t say 我希望你别认为

that you think it’s junk 它是垃圾

I hope you 我希望

don’t say that I 你别说我

Stink(stank stunk)烂,臭

If you’re thirsty for 如果你对英语饥渴

English come来

Drink(drank drunk)喝

cause I 因为我让所有的竞赛

Sink(sank sunk) 沉没

all the competition

when they

Hear(heard heard) 听到

that IGive(gave given) 给

encouragement 鼓励

when I Spit(spat spat)吐

Never Quit(quit quit)放弃

Don’t Sit(sat sat) 做

Yeah I like it

like that;I’ll even我甚至

Kneel(knelt knelt)下跪

and beg you 求求你

to express what you表达你的

Feel(felt felt)感受

I Rise(rose risen) 起来,起立

when I

Drive(drove driven)驾车,驾驭

through the beat 贯穿于这个节奏

Tap your feet as you解放你的脚

Ride(rode ridden) 乘,骑,驾驶

Those that

Hide(hid hidden)隐藏

I Find(found found) 找到

If you Flee(fled fled) 逃走

then I’ll track you down.




Now you See(saw seen) 看到,看见

that I

Mean(meant meant)意味着,意思

every word of the message


that I Send(sent sent)送,发送

I Show(showed shown) 展示

I can Fly(flew flown)飞

now you

Know(knew known)知道

I Shine(shone shone)照耀

I Throw(threw thrown) 扔,丢

you the ball;it’s your turn给你一个球,轮到你

Grow(grew grown) 成长,长大

with the verbs 伴随这些动词

that you’ve learned


Grammar through lyrics

I Draw(drew drawn) 画

Peace to Ells;内心的平静心声

now I Go(went gone)! 离开,走
