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什么是散光数和轴位数?散光AstigmatismAs a student Thomas Young discovered that he had problems with one eye in 1793. In the following years he did research on his vision problems. He presented his findings in a Bakerian Lecture in 1801. Independent from Young George Biddell Airy discovered the phenomenon of astigmatism on his own eye. Airy presented his observations on his own eye in February 1825 at the Cambridge Philosophical Soc

原创 马明医生





Astigmatism is a common vision condition that causes blurred vision. The curvature of the cornea and lens bends the light entering the eye in order to focus it precisely on the retina at the back of the eye. In astigmatism the surface of the cornea or lens has a somewhat different curvature. The surface of the cornea is shaped more like a football instead of round like a basketball the eye is unable to focus light rays to a single point. Vision becomes out of focus at any distance. In addition the curvature of the lens inside the eye can change resulting in an increase or decrease in astigmatism. This change frequently occurs in adulthood and can precede the development of naturally occurring cataracts.






As a student Thomas Young discovered that he had problems with one eye in 1793. In the following years he did research on his vision problems. He presented his findings in a Bakerian Lecture in 1801. Independent from Young George Biddell Airy discovered the phenomenon of astigmatism on his own eye. Airy presented his observations on his own eye in February 1825 at the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Airy produced lenses to correct his vision problems by 1825 while other sources put this into 1827 when Airy obtained cylindrical lenses from an optician from Ipswich. The name for the condition was not given by Airy but from William Whewell. By the 1860s astigmatism was a well established concept in ophthalmology.


一名叫托马斯·杨(Thomas Young)的学生在1793年发现自己的一只眼睛有问题,在随后的几年中,他对视力问题进行了研究,他在1801年的贝克演讲中介绍了他的发现。乔治·比德尔·艾里(George Biddell Airy)也独自发现了自己的散光问题, 艾里(Airy)于1825年2月在剑桥哲学学会上发表了他的观察结果,在1825年前艾里制作了镜片来纠正他的视力问题,直到1827年,艾里才从伊普斯威奇(Ipswich)的配镜师那里获得了圆柱透镜。 散光的名称不是艾里(Airy)提出的,是威廉·惠威尔(William Whewell)提出的。到19世纪60年代,散光成为眼科界公认的概念。



Axis of the principal meridian

1. Regular astigmatism – principal meridians are perpendicular. (The steepest and flattest meridians of the eye are called principal meridians.)

  • With-the-rule astigmatism – the vertical meridian is steepest (a rugby ball or American football lying on its side).
  • Against-the-rule astigmatism – the horizontal meridian is steepest (a rugby ball or American football standing on its end).
  • Oblique astigmatism – the steepest curve lies in between 120 and 150 degrees and 30 and 60 degrees.

2. Irregular astigmatism – principal meridians are not perpendicular.




  • 顺规散光:垂直轴最陡(橄榄球卧着)。
  • 逆规散光:水平轴最陡(橄榄球立着)。
  • 斜散光:最陡的曲线轴在120至150度和30至60度之间。。



In with-the-rule astigmatism the eye has too much "plus" cylinder in the horizontal axis relative to the vertical axis (i.e. the eye is too "steep" along the vertical meridian relative to the horizontal meridian). Vertical beams of light focus in front (anterior) to horizontal beams of light in the eye. This problem may be corrected using spectacles which have a "minus" cylinder placed on this horizontal axis. The effect of this will be that when a vertical beam of light in the distance travels towards the eye the "minus" cylinder (which is placed with its axis lying horizontally – in line with the patient's excessively steep horizontal axis/vertical meridian) will cause this vertical beam of light to slightly "diverge" or "spread out vertically" before it reaches the eye. This compensates for the fact that the patient's eye converges light more powerfully in the vertical meridian than the horizontal meridian. Hopefully after this the eye will focus all light on the same location at the retina and the patient's vision will be less blurred.



In against-the-rule astigmatism a plus cylinder is added in the horizontal axis (or a minus cylinder in the vertical axis). Axis is always recorded as an angle in degrees between 0 and 180 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. Both 0 and 180 degrees lie on a horizontal line at the level of the center of the pupil and as seen by an observer 0 lies on the right of both the eyes. Irregular astigmatism which is often associated with prior ocular surgery or trauma is also a common naturally occurring condition. The two steep hemimeridians of the cornea 180° apart in regular astigmatism may be separated by less than 180° in irregular astigmatism (called nonorthogonal irregular astigmatism); and/or the two steep hemimeridians may be asymmetrically steep—that is one may be significantly steeper than the other (called asymmetric irregular astigmatism). Irregular astigmatism is quantified by a vector calculation called topographic disparity.



Focus of the principal meridian

With accommodation relaxed:

1. Simple astigmatism

  • Simple hyperopic astigmatism – first focal line is on the retina while the second is located behind the retina.
  • Simple myopic astigmatism – first focal line is in front of the retina while the second is on the retina.

2. Compound astigmatism

  • Compound hyperopic astigmatism – both focal lines are located behind the retina.
  • Compound myopic astigmatism – both focal lines are located in front of the retina.

3. Mixed astigmatism – focal lines are on both sides of the retina (straddling the retina)




  • 简单的远视散光:第一条焦线在视网膜上,而第二条焦线在视网膜后。
  • 简单的近视散光:第一条焦线在视网膜前面,而第二条焦线在视网膜上。


  • 复合远视散光:两条线均位于视网膜后面。
  • 复合性近视散光:两条线均位于视网膜前方。




