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如何用pygame编写一个简单小游戏(升级后的2048小游戏)​​那当然是大大的不同那,今天教大家写的这款是有界面的小程序,单单是有界面的这一点就可以超前面那款了,更加富有趣味性的撒~来,我们来看看!慢慢来,木木子一直在等你们崛起~哈哈哈哈 ,呐~ 现在这篇文章的话是上次承诺的一个升级版本的2048小游戏。比之之前那款呢?有什么不同?​


“嗨嗨嗨!别睡了,醒醒醒醒!该干活儿了~” by——顾木子吖!


“刚睡醒,大佬你有什么事儿吖?” by——全体成员!


慢慢来,木木子一直在等你们崛起~哈哈哈哈 ,呐~ 现在这篇文章的话是上次承诺的一个升级版本的2048小游戏。







pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pygame配置文件:


import os '''FPS''' FPS = 60 '''背景颜色''' BG_COLOR = '#D3D3D3' '''屏幕大小''' SCREENSIZE = (650 370) '''保存当前最高分的文件''' MAX_SCORE_FILEPATH = 'score' '''字体路径''' FONTPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd() 'resources/font/Gabriola.ttf') '''背景音乐路径''' BGMPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd() 'resources/audio/bgm.mp3') '''其他一些必要的常量''' MARGIN_SIZE = 10 BLOCK_SIZE = 80 GAME_MATRIX_SIZE = (4 4)


class Game2048(object): def __init__(self matrix_size=(4 4) max_score_filepath=None **kwargs): # matrix_size: (num_rows num_cols) self.matrix_size = matrix_size # 游戏最高分保存路径 self.max_score_filepath = max_score_filepath # 初始化 self.initialize() '''更新游戏状态''' def update(self): game_matrix_before = copy.deepcopy(self.game_matrix) self.move() if game_matrix_before != self.game_matrix: self.randomGenerateNumber() if self.score > self.max_score: self.max_score = self.score '''根据指定的方向 移动所有数字块''' def move(self): # 提取非空数字 def extract(array): array_new = [] for item in array: if item != 'null': array_new.append(item) return array_new # 合并非空数字 def merge(array): score = 0 if len(array) < 2: return array score for i in range(len(array)-1): if array[i] == 'null': break if array[i] == array[i 1]: array[i] *= 2 array.pop(i 1) array.append('null') score = array[i] return extract(array) score # 不需要移动的话直接return if self.move_direction is None: return # 向上 if self.move_direction == 'up': for j in range(self.matrix_size[1]): col = [] for i in range(self.matrix_size[0]): col.append(self.game_matrix[i][j]) col = extract(col) col.reverse() col score = merge(col) self.score = score col.reverse() col = col ['null' ] * (self.matrix_size[0] - len(col)) for i in range(self.matrix_size[0]): self.game_matrix[i][j] = col[i] # 向下 elif self.move_direction == 'down': for j in range(self.matrix_size[1]): col = [] for i in range(self.matrix_size[0]): col.append(self.game_matrix[i][j]) col = extract(col) col score = merge(col) self.score = score col = ['null' ] * (self.matrix_size[0] - len(col)) col for i in range(self.matrix_size[0]): self.game_matrix[i][j] = col[i] # 向左 elif self.move_direction == 'left': for idx row in enumerate(copy.deepcopy(self.game_matrix)): row = extract(row) row.reverse() row score = merge(row) self.score = score row.reverse() row = row ['null' ] * (self.matrix_size[1] - len(row)) self.game_matrix[idx] = row # 向右 elif self.move_direction == 'right': for idx row in enumerate(copy.deepcopy(self.game_matrix)): row = extract(row) row score = merge(row) self.score = score row = ['null' ] * (self.matrix_size[1] - len(row)) row self.game_matrix[idx] = row self.move_direction = None '''在新的位置随机生成数字''' def randomGeneratenumber(self): empty_pos = [] for i in range(self.matrix_size[0]): for j in range(self.matrix_size[1]): if self.game_matrix[i][j] == 'null': empty_pos.append([i j]) i j = random.choice(empty_pos) self.game_matrix[i][j] = 2 if random.random() > 0.1 else 4 '''初始化''' def initialize(self): self.game_matrix = [['null' for _ in range(self.matrix_size[1])] for _ in range(self.matrix_size[0])] self.score = 0 self.max_score = self.readMaxScore() self.move_direction = None self.randomGenerateNumber() self.randomGenerateNumber() '''设置移动方向''' def setDirection(self direction): assert direction in ['up' 'down' 'left' 'right'] self.move_direction = direction '''保存最高分''' def saveMaxScore(self): f = open(self.max_score_filepath 'w' encoding='utf-8') f.write(str(self.max_score)) f.close() '''读取游戏最高分''' def readMaxScore(self): try: f = open(self.max_score_filepath 'r' encoding='utf-8') score = int(f.read().strip()) f.close() return score except: return 0 '''游戏是否结束''' @property def isgameover(self): for i in range(self.matrix_size[0]): for j in range(self.matrix_size[1]): if self.game_matrix[i][j] == 'null': return False if (i == self.matrix_size[0] - 1) and (j == self.matrix_size[1] - 1): continue elif (i == self.matrix_size[0] - 1): if (self.game_matrix[i][j] == self.game_matrix[i][j 1]): return False elif (j == self.matrix_size[1] - 1): if (self.game_matrix[i][j] == self.game_matrix[i 1][j]): return False else: if (self.game_matrix[i][j] == self.game_matrix[i 1][j]) or (self.game_matrix[i][j] == self.game_matrix[i][j 1]): return False return True​然后设置不同的颜色。




def getColorByNumber(number): number2color_dict = { 2: ['#eee4da' '#776e65'] 4: ['#ede0c8' '#776e65'] 8: ['#f2b179' '#f9f6f2'] 16: ['#f59563' '#f9f6f2'] 32: ['#f67c5f' '#f9f6f2'] 64: ['#f65e3b' '#f9f6f2'] 128: ['#edcf72' '#f9f6f2'] 256: ['#edcc61' '#f9f6f2'] 512: ['#edc850' '#f9f6f2'] 1024: ['#edc53f' '#f9f6f2'] 2048: ['#edc22e' '#f9f6f2'] 4096: ['#eee4da' '#776e65'] 8192: ['#edc22e' '#f9f6f2'] 16384: ['#f2b179' '#776e65'] 32768: ['#f59563' '#776e65'] 65536: ['#f67c5f' '#f9f6f2'] 'null': ['#9e948a' None] } return number2color_dict[number] '''将2048游戏的当前数字排列画到屏幕上''' def drawGameMatrix(screen game_matrix cfg): for i in range(len(game_matrix)): for j in range(len(game_matrix[i])): number = game_matrix[i][j] x = cfg.MARGIN_SIZE * (j 1) cfg.BLOCK_SIZE * j y = cfg.MARGIN_SIZE * (i 1) cfg.BLOCK_SIZE * i pygame.draw.rect(screen pygame.Color(getColorByNumber(number)[0]) (x y cfg.BLOCK_SIZE cfg.BLOCK_SIZE)) if number != 'null': font_color = pygame.Color(getColorByNumber(number)[1]) font_size = cfg.BLOCK_SIZE - 10 * len(str(number)) font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH font_size) text = font.render(str(number) True font_color) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.centerx text_rect.centery = x cfg.BLOCK_SIZE / 2 y cfg.BLOCK_SIZE / 2 screen.blit(text text_rect)​游戏界面添加额外的元素。



'''将游戏的最高分和当前分数画到屏幕上''' def drawScore(screen score max_score cfg): font_color = (255 255 255) font_size = 30 font = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH font_size) text_max_score = font.render('Best: %s' % max_score True font_color) text_score = font.render('Score: %s' % score True font_color) start_x = cfg.BLOCK_SIZE * cfg.GAME_MATRIX_SIZE[1] cfg.MARGIN_SIZE * (cfg.GAME_MATRIX_SIZE[1] 1) screen.blit(text_max_score (start_x 10 10)) screen.blit(text_score (start_x 10 20 text_score.get_rect().height)) start_y = 30 text_score.get_rect().height text_max_score.get_rect().height return (start_x start_y) '''游戏介绍''' def drawGameIntro(screen start_x start_y cfg): start_y = 40 font_color = (0 0 0) font_size_big = 30 font_size_small = 20 font_big = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH font_size_big) font_small = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH font_size_small) intros = ['Game play:' ' Slide the keyboard up down left and right.' 'Combine two identical numbers' 'For example: 2 2 = 4 4 4 = 8... Until 1024 1024 = 2048!' 'You win!'] for idx intro in enumerate(intros): font = font_big if idx == 0 else font_small text = font.render(intro True font_color) screen.blit(text (start_x 10 start_y)) start_y = text.get_rect().height 10游戏结束界面:



def endInterface(screen cfg): font_size_big = 60 font_size_small = 30 font_color = (255 255 255) font_big = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH font_size_big) font_small = pygame.font.Font(cfg.FONTPATH font_size_small) surface = screen.convert_alpha() surface.fill((127 255 212 2)) text = font_big.render('Game Over!' True font_color) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.centerx text_rect.centery = cfg.SCREENSIZE[0]/2 cfg.SCREENSIZE[1]/2-50 surface.blit(text text_rect) button_width button_height = 100 40 button_start_x_left = cfg.SCREENSIZE[0] / 2 - button_width - 20 button_start_x_right = cfg.SCREENSIZE[0] / 2 20 button_start_y = cfg.SCREENSIZE[1] / 2 - button_height / 2 20 pygame.draw.rect(surface (0 255 255) (button_start_x_left button_start_y button_width button_height)) text_restart = font_small.render('Restart' True font_color) text_restart_rect = text_restart.get_rect() text_restart_rect.centerx text_restart_rect.centery = button_start_x_left button_width / 2 button_start_y button_height / 2 surface.blit(text_restart text_restart_rect) pygame.draw.rect(surface (0 255 255) (button_start_x_right button_start_y button_width button_height)) text_quit = font_small.render('Quit' True font_color) text_quit_rect = text_quit.get_rect() text_quit_rect.centerx text_quit_rect.centery = button_start_x_right button_width / 2 button_start_y button_height / 2 surface.blit(text_quit text_quit_rect) while True: screen.blit(surface (0 0)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button: if text_quit_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): return False if text_restart_rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): return True pygame.display.update()主程序:

def main(cfg): # 游戏初始化 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.SCREENSIZE) pygame.display.set_caption('2048小游戏升级版') # 播放背景音乐 pygame.mixer.music.load(cfg.BGMPATH) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 实例化2048游戏 game_2048 = Game2048(matrix_size=cfg.GAME_MATRIX_SIZE max_score_filepath=cfg.MAX_SCORE_FILEPATH) # 游戏主循环 clock = pygame.time.Clock() is_running = True while is_running: screen.fill(pygame.Color(cfg.BG_COLOR)) # --按键检测 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key in [pygame.K_UP pygame.K_DOWN pygame.K_LEFT pygame.K_RIGHT]: game_2048.setDirection({pygame.K_UP: 'up' pygame.K_DOWN: 'down' pygame.K_LEFT: 'left' pygame.K_RIGHT: 'right'}[event.key]) # --更新游戏状态 game_2048.update() if game_2048.isgameover: game_2048.saveMaxScore() is_running = False # --将必要的游戏元素画到屏幕上 drawGameMatrix(screen game_2048.game_matrix cfg) start_x start_y = drawScore(screen game_2048.score game_2048.max_score cfg) drawGameIntro(screen start_x start_y cfg) # --屏幕更新 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(cfg.FPS) return endInterface(screen cfg) '''run''' if __name__ == '__main__': while True: if not main(cfg): break2048游戏效果如下图所示:








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