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50句惊艳电影台词英语励志(让人热血沸腾的英文励志句子)"I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt."--<Before Sunrise>我这辈子最大的领悟就是:世界上最悲哀的事情就是浪费自己的天赋,人们在生活中所做的选择,将


"What is boxing like? Boxing is about respect...geting it for yourself....and taking it away form the other gey."--<Million Dollar Baby>


"If there's magic in boxing it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance beyond cracked ribs ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It's the magic of risking everything for a dream thay nobody sees but you."--<Million Dollar Baby>


"On every street in every city there is a nobody who dreams of being a somebody."--<Taxi Driver>


"And I learned the greatest gift of all; the saddest thing in life is wasted talent. And the choices that you make will shape your life forever."--<A Bronx Tale>


"I believe if there's any kind of God it wouldn't be in any of us not you or me but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt."--<Before Sunrise>
