电影音乐之声内容摘要(电影音乐之声背后的故事)In 1939 the family moved to America where they later bought a 660-acre estate in Vermont. They continued to tour internationally as the Trapp Family Singers for more than 20 years. Later four of Georg and Maria’s great-grandchildren formed a singing group called the von Trapps touring for 15 years until 2016.1937年,这一家人以特拉普家庭演唱团的身份展开欧洲巡回演唱。德国在1938年占领奥地利时,盖欧格被征召加入德国海军。他因为不愿意为希特勒打仗而拒绝征召。很快他便意识到一家人
电影《音乐之声》是有史以来最成功的百老汇音乐剧和好莱坞电影之一。影片在1965年上映 1966年成为了历史票房第一的影片。并且这部影片被翻译成30多种语言,在世界各国上映。
庭。由于和孩子们父亲相爱 她成了七个孩子的母亲。后来纳粹吞并奥地利 父亲带领全家逃离了祖国。而音乐伴随他们走过了最最艰难的时刻。
In 1926 Maria Augusta Kutschera was studying to become a nun in Austria. She was assigned to a one-year teaching position in Captain Georg von Trapp’s home. In 1927 von Trapp and Maria married. He already had seven children and the couple had three more of their own.
In 1937 the family began a European singing tour as the Trapp Family Choir. When Germany took over Austria in 1938 Georg was asked to join Germany’s navy. Not wanting to fight for Hitler he refused. He soon realized that the family would have to leave Austria. One morning before dawn the entire von Trapp family fled on a train to Italy leaving most of their possessions behind.
In 1939 the family moved to America where they later bought a 660-acre estate in Vermont. They continued to tour internationally as the Trapp Family Singers for more than 20 years. Later four of Georg and Maria’s great-grandchildren formed a singing group called the von Trapps touring for 15 years until 2016.
Though the von Trapps have ceased performing The Sound of Music forever captures the musical legacy of the family.