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发音不同的单词要怎么记?这么简单的单词[laɪv] adj 现场直播的,精力充沛的;adv. 在现场,实况地I’ve been living in China for a while万一哪天在听力考场上,不幸和这些曾经最熟悉的多音词“短兵相接,希望不要抱憾失分。1) Live [lɪv] v. 生活,居住,经历,度过







1) Live

[lɪv] v. 生活,居住,经历,度过

I’ve been living in China for a while

[laɪv] adj 现场直播的,精力充沛的;adv. 在现场,实况地

I watch a live show of a concert.

2) Perfect

[ˈpɜ(r)ː fɪkt] adj. 完美的,优秀的; n.完成时;

He spoke perfect English.

[pɜ(r) ˈfekt] v.使完善; 使完备 ; 使完美;

We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards

3) Present

[ˈpreznt] adj. 现在的,目前的;n. 现在,目前

In the present situation I have no chance of winning the game without his help.

[prɪ‘zent] v. 提出,出现,瞄准

There were 200 people present at the meeting.

4) Record

[ˈrekɔ:d] n. 唱片 记录 档案 履历

You should keep a record of your expenses.

[rɪˈkɔ:d]v. 记录,记载,标明 录音; adj. 创纪录的

You should record all your expenses during your trip.

5) Increase

['ɪŋkriːs] n. 提高,增长,增加量;

Homelessness is on the increase (= increasing).

[ɪn'kriːs] v. 增加,增大,增多;

The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million.

6) Resume

[rɪ'zju:m] v. 继续,重新开始

She resumed her career after an interval of six years.

['rezju:meɪ] (résumé)简历,摘要

Every undergraduate needs to beautify their resumes in order to impress the HR.

7) Wind

[wɪnd] n. 风,气流,管乐器;

A gust of wind blew my hat off.

[waɪnd] v. 蜿蜒; 缠绕; 上发条;

The river winds its way between two meadows.

8) Digest

[ˈdaɪdʒest] n. 文摘,摘要

a monthly news digest.

l [daɪˈdʒest] v. 消化,吸收

You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.

9) Desert

[ˈdezə(r)t] n. 沙漠

Somalia is mostly desert.


Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable.

10) Contrast

[ˈkɒntrɑ:st] n. 对比,对照,差异,对立面;

There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.

[kənˈtrɑ:st]v. 对比,对照

It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one.

11) Converse

[ˈkɒnvɜ:s] adj. 相反的,颠倒的;n. 相反的事物

Building new roads increases traffic and the converse is equally true: reducing the number and size of roads means less traffic.

[kənˈvɜ:s] v. 谈话

Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him.

12) Suspect

[sə'spekt] vt.猜疑(是) 怀疑(是) 觉得(是);怀疑; 不信任;怀疑…有罪

Suspecting nothing he walked right into the trap.

['sʌspekt] n.嫌疑犯

Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city.


Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found.

13) Contest

[kən'test] vt. & vi.争夺 竞争

Three candidates contested the leadership.

['kɔntest] n.比赛 竞赛 竞争;搏斗 争论 纷争

a contest for the leadership of the party

14) Close

[kləuz] vt. & vi.(使)关 关闭;终止

She closed the gate behind her.

[kləus] adj.接近的;关系亲密的;中间无空隙的 浓缩的 挤紧的;势均力敌的

adv.中间无空隙地 位置接近地

n.终结 结束 末尾

His life was drawing to a close .

15) Contract

[kən'trækt] vt. & vi.染上(恶习 疾病等);缩小; 紧缩

to contract AIDS/a virus/a disease

['kɔntrækt] vt.缔结; 订契约

n.契约 合同

These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller.

16) Object

['ɔbdʒikt] n.物体;对象; 客体;目标; 意向; 目的;可笑的人[事物];宾语

Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves.

[əb'dʒekt] vi.不赞成 反对; 抗议 vt.以…为理由反对

Many local people object to the building of the new airport.

17) Subject

['sʌbdʒikt] n.主题; 题目; 问题;话题 考虑的问题;学科 科目; 课程;主语 主词

adj.常有[常患 常遭受]…的; 倾向于…的;须服从…的; 受…支配的;受约束[管辖]的 不独立的;取决于…的 有待于…的

I have nothing more to say on the subject.

[səb'dʒekt] vt.使服从 征服 制伏

All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.

18) Protest

['prəutest] n.抗议; 反对

The director resigned in protest at the decision.

[prə'test] vt. & vi.声明; 抗议

The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence.

19) Conduct

[kən'dʌkt] vt. & vi.引导 带领 担任指挥;控制 管理;传导

The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.

['kɔndʌkt] n.举止 行为;管理(方式) 实施(方式)

There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.

20) Project

[prə'dʒekt]vt.规划;抛; 投; 射vt. & vi.伸出 突出; 表达特点

A growth rate of 4% is projected for next year.

['prɔdʒekt]n.项目 计划 方案 课题

The final term will be devoted to project work.
