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雅思作文discuss:Proposal类雅思小作文母语教师范文提议规划类雅思小作文怎么写?母语教师范文 高分表达中英对照 范文朗读- Model Answer 高分范文 & 范文朗读 -4,范文地道词汇中英对照,包括:上题:The diagram shows proposed changes to Foster Road. Write a 150-word report describing the proposed changes for a local committee.

爱吃辣的加拿大大叔 雅思托福10多年一线教学 中文说得还不错,头像是他家猫 在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货 每篇范文都有配音,在同名公众号“英语考试Cat”






  • 雅思小作文高分句型
  • 高分地道词汇&短语
  • 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇&句型



The diagram shows proposed changes to Foster Road. Write a 150-word report describing the proposed changes for a local committee.



- Model Answer 高分范文 & 范文朗读 -

提议规划类雅思小作文怎么写?母语教师范文 高分表达中英对照 范文朗读


The diagram shows a proposal with before and after drawings for improving Foster Road between SE 84th Street and 85th Avenue.

Overall the plan includes aspects of beautification such as tree planting along with creating a more pedestrian-friendly environment.

A total of 14 trees will be planted on the two sides of the road with 6 on one side and 8 on the other and will be planted at equal intervals along the sidewalks. In order to accommodate these trees the sidewalks will be widened to almost twice their existing width. The proposal also includes bicycle paths running alongside each sidewalk. With the inclusion of these two changes the road itself will be reduced from 2 lanes each way to one lane each way but with the addition of a middle access lane for turning which will be terminated by the addition of a traffic island. Immediately after the traffic island a zebra-crossing will be created.

The structures along the road as well as the electrical poles will remain as they are presently.


- Essay Analysis 范文解析 -

Standard Task 1 Phrases 雅思小作文高分句型:

  • The diagram shows a proposal…for 该示意图展示了一个针对……的提议
  • Overall 总体来说
  • the plan includes 规划包括
  • will be
  • as they are presently

Vocabulary 高分地道词汇和短语:

  • drawings 图样;图纸
  • aspects of 方面
  • beautification 美化
  • tree planting 植树
  • pedestrian-friendly 方便行人的
  • on one side...on the other 在一侧……在另一侧
  • planted 种植
  • equal intervals 相等间隔
  • accommodate 安置
  • widened 加宽
  • twice their existing width 是现有宽度的两倍
  • running alongside 沿着……走
  • inclusion of 包含
  • be reduced from (passive voice) 被减少
  • access lane 通道
  • terminated by 被……终止
  • a traffic island 行人安全岛;交通岛
  • a zebra-crossing 斑马线
  • electrical poles 电线杆

Words showing Cohesion (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:

  • with
  • includes
  • such as
  • along with
  • and will be
  • In order to
  • these
  • also
  • With
  • these
  • itself
  • . but with
  • will be
  • Immediately after
  • as well as
  • as they



