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高中英语必修四第二单元笔记(人教版高中英语必修四第三单元笔记)brightness n.[U]adv. =brightly 光明地,鲜明地② 鲜艳的、鲜亮的(颜色)③ 欢快的、生机勃勃的④ 聪明的、伶俐的 反义词:dull




1.bright adj.

① 明亮的、阳光明媚的 反义词:dark

② 鲜艳的、鲜亮的(颜色)

③ 欢快的、生机勃勃的

④ 聪明的、伶俐的 反义词:dull

adv. =brightly 光明地,鲜明地

brightness n.[U]

brighten vt./vi. 使发光,使发亮 反义词:darken

词组:brighten up 使快活起来=cheer up

2.unfortunate adj.不幸的

be (un)fortunate to do sth.

It's (un)fortunate that…

be (un)fortunate in doing sth.

make a fortunate

fortunate 幸运的adj (un)fortune 机会、运气/不幸 n.

3.depress ⑴ vt.





① depressed 抑郁的,沮丧的 depressed about sth.

② depressing 令人沮丧的

⑶ n. depression

① [C]/[U] 沮丧、消沉、抑郁症 get into a state of depression

② [C] 不景气;萧条期

4.content ⑴ adj.

①愿意(be)content to do sth.

②满足的;满意的 (be/feel)content with =be satisfied with =be pleased with

⑵ n.(content) 用作名词时,如是抽象意义,不可数;如是具体意义,常用复数)




⑶ vt. 使满足 词组:content oneself with

5.astonish vt. 使惊讶


astonished 惊讶的 be ~ at/by sth.

be astonished to do sth. 惊讶于做某事

be astonished that … 对某事感到惊讶

astonishing 令人惊讶的 =very surprising

⑵ n. astonishment 词组:

to one's astonishment 令某人惊讶的是...;

at astonishment 在惊讶

6.ordinary adj. 平常的,普遍的

辨析 ① common 普通的,强调常见。

② normal 正常的

③ ordinary 普通的,强调平凡。

④ usual 惯常


⑴ adj=tired+人

词组:be/get bored with sb.\sth.

be/get bored with doing sth.


8.entertain ⑴vi./vt.

① 招待,款待

② 使快乐,给…娱乐,词组:

entertain sb. to sth.=treat sb. to sth. 用...来招待某人

entertain sb. with sth. 用某事娱乐某人

⑵ n.[C] entertainer 表演者,艺人

⑶ adj. entertaining 使人愉快的,有趣的

⑷ n. ①[U]/[C] 娱乐节目;活动 ②招待,款待


⑴ vt. 使确信、信服

词组:convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事;

convince sb. of sth./that 使某人信服某事;

be convinced of sth./that... 确信某事

⑵ adj.

① convincing 有说服力的,反义词:unconvincing

② convinced 感到信服的,相信的


⑴ adj. 直接的、直率的 反义词:indirect

⑵ adv. ① 直接地=directly 反义词:indirectly

② 立即=at once (引导状语从句=as soon as)

⑶ v. ① vt. 给…引路,指引 direct sb. to somewhere

② vt./vi导演;指挥  direct sb. to do sth.

③ vt.指导,负责,管理

④ vt.命令

⑷ n. ① direction

[C]/[U]方向方位 in the direction

[U]指挥 under one's direction


follow one's directions read the directions

②director [C] 导演,校长,经理


⑴ n. ① [U]失败 ② [C]失败的人或事物

⑵ fail 失败,不及格 fail in sth. fail to do sth.


⑴ adj. be particular about/over 对…挑剔;讲究

⑵ adv. in particular=particularly 特殊地

13.slide ① vi./vt. 使滑行; 使悄悄移动 slide sth. into

② n. [C] 滑动,滑梯


⑴ vt. 娱乐、消遣

⑵ adj. amusing 逗乐的,有趣的

amused 好玩的,愉快的 be amused at/by sth.

⑶ n. amusement 娱乐 with/in amusement to one's amusement


⑴ vi. ①做出反应 react to …by doing sth. react against sb./sth.


③化学反应 react with sth.

④产生影响 react on/upon

⑵ n. reaction [U]/[C] 反应,反作用 sb's first reaction


⑴v假装 pretend to do sth. (在进行或已发生)

pretend to be doing sth. (正在进行)

pretend to have done sth. (已经完成)

pretend that… 假装…样子

⑵自称,自认为 pretend to be... (通常用于否定句或疑问句中) eg.

He does not pretend to be a genius. 他他并不自命为天才。

17.break into

⑴vt. 强行闯入=break in 突然开始(笑、唱),开始快跑

⑵ break out 爆发

break away 突然挣脱

break down 垮掉失败

beak off 中断断绝

break through 突破

18.in search of = make a search for 寻求寻找

search ①vt./vi. search sb. 搜查某人

② search for sb./sth. 搜寻以找到某人某物

③ search…for 为了找到某人某物而进行搜查

19.cut off

⑴ ①切掉,砍掉②与…外界隔绝③中断(通话)④打断某人并阻止其说话

⑵ cut in 插嘴 cut up/into 切碎/切成 cut out 切除 cut down 砍到

20.burst into

⑴ 突然破门而入,突然爆发

⑵ burst into n =burst out doing


1. He tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.

⑴ as though/if 可引导状语从句,也可引导表语从句

① 如果从句所表示的有明显依据或实现的可能性较大,用陈述语气。

② 从句所表示的情况没有依据,只是表达一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测,则用虚拟勇气。

2. I observed him directing as well as acting in it.

"感官动词 宾语 宾补"结构宾补形式如果是

① doing 表示感觉到的动作正在进行

② do表示感觉到动作发生的全过程

③ done表示感觉到的动作已完成,宾语与宾补构成逻辑上的动宾关系(即被动关系)


