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高考英语易混单词归类(高考英语单词专项攻克-专项25)(2017·6浙江)Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to.312.decide /dI̍saId/ v. 决定;下决心be/get out of debt摆脱债务get into debt负债pay off one’s debts还清某人的债务

311.debt /det/ n. 债务;欠款

考点链接in debt欠债;欠款

be in heavy debt负债累累

in debt to sb.=in sb.’s debt欠某人的人情/债

be/get out of debt摆脱债务

get into debt负债

pay off one’s debts还清某人的债务

312.decide /dI̍saId/ v. 决定;下决心

(2017·6浙江)Because sleepiness is such a problem for teenagers some school districts have decided to start high school classes later than they used to.

因为对于青少年来说 困倦是一个很严重的问题 一些学区已经决定要比过去晚些时候开始上高中的课。

派decision n. 决定;决心

拓展determine vt. 决定;决心

determination n. 决心

313.decline /dI̍klaIn/ v.& n. 减少 下降 衰退 谢绝

314.decorate /̍dekəreIt/ vt. 装饰…… 修饰……

考点链接decorate...with 用……装饰……

派decoration n. 装饰 修饰

315. /dI̍kriːs/ v. 减少 减小 降低

The rate of inflation decreased to 10% last year.


拓展increase vt. 增加

reduce vt. 减少 缩小

316.deep /diːp/ adj. 深 ‖adv. 深;深厚

派deeply adv. 深深地

317.defeat /dI̍fiːt/ vt. 击败;战胜 ‖n.占胜 击败 失败

318.defend /dI̍fend/ vt. 防守;保卫

派defence (美defense) n.& v. 防御;防务

319.degree /dI̍ɡriː/ n. 程度;度数;学位

考点链接to some degree在一定程度上

(2017·全国Ⅲ)a degree in engineering or architecture



320.delay /dI̍leI/ v.& n. 拖延 延误 延迟 延期;耽搁

考点链接without delay立刻 马上

321.delete /dI̍liːt/ v. 删去

322.deliberately /dI̍lIbərətlI/ adv. 故意 蓄意 存心

323.delicate /̍delIkət/ adj. 易损的 易碎的

324.delight /dI̍laIt/ n. 快乐;乐事

派delighted adj. 高兴的 快乐的

325. /dI̍lIvə(r)/ vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)

考点链接deliver sth. (to sb.) 投递/传送某物(给某人)

deliver a speech 发表演说

deliver a baby 接生

be delivered of a baby(=give birth to a baby)生孩子

派delivery n.投递;交货;分娩

(2017·江苏)a quick delivery 快递

326.demand /dI̍mɑːnd;(US) dI̍mænd/ n.& vt. 要求

考点链接demand sth.of/from sb.向某人要求某物

demand to do 要求做……

be in (great)demand (迫切)需求

satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的需求


327.departure /dI̍pɑːtʃə(r)/ n. 离开 启程

The departure of the train was delayed.


328.depend /dI̍pend/ vi. 依靠 依赖 指望;取决于

考点链接depend on/upon 依靠 依赖

depend on sb. to do sth. 指望/依靠某人做某事

depend on sb./sth. for sth.依靠……供给某物

depend upon it请相信;没问题

It/That (all) depends.看情况而定。(口语)

(2017·6浙江)How much sleep you need depends a lot on your age.


329.deposit /dI̍pɒzIt/ n. 订金 押金;存款 ‖v. 付押金;把钱存入银行

熟词生义vt. 放下 放置

He deposited the book on the desk.


330.describe /dI̍skraIb/ vt. 描写 叙述

(2017·北京)Which of the following words can best describe Taylor?


派description n. 描述 描写

beyond description难以形容

